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(A view from my home sweet home for the past 2 weeks)

Sometimes it is great to have something to do while waiting for the flight.

I am sitting down with a laptop on my laptop, currently surfing and updating my blog with a fast wireless internet connection in Dubai International Airport. I even managed to IM my colleagues who are working in Africa without any need to hook the laptop to any dial-up connection.

Whilst I am doing this, I am amused by a small biy who is giving his parents a hard time by running around the area, picking up rubbish from the floor and just now even tried to climb aboard a parked airport cart. It kind of reminds me of my son. 

Wireless should be extended to all areas in Malaysia…sometimes dreaming is good too. Tag: Blogsphere

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4 thoughts on “Sometimes…”

  1. Bala,

    As for Perakians like me n yr wife..yr dream will become reality soon I hope..The Perak’s MB is planning to introduce wi-fi in stages and they would start it at the R n R along the PLUS highway..So next time you head for Taiping u can stop n surf at the R n R!

  2. No point la dude cos the service is so poor. Here in uni we have wireless which ALWAYS has problems and you can’t connect to the internet for days at a stretch!

  3. Ya, Sabrina…I know…which is why it will be a dream if we can get a decent wifi in Malaysia. In Dubai Airport, I downloaded a 65MB file within couple of minutes whilst I was on IM with couple of my friends. What a world difference!

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