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September 2008

Politics 101: Ahmad Ismail Scoring for PR

(UMNO – the new masters of own goal scoring – Image source:

Ha, here comes another “con-man” in the name of “Bangsa & Agama” (Race & Religion)…

I am talking about Ahmad Ismail – the bugger who put his foot in his mouth when he made racial remarks against fellow Chinese Malaysians in this country in the last by-election and found himself in the centre of multiple police reports (for sedition) and attacks from the BN component parties (I really wondered what would happened if it has been the Indians instead of the Chinese).… [Click to read the rest] “Politics 101: Ahmad Ismail Scoring for PR”

Youtube Classic 101: World’s Largest Record Collection

Paul Mawhinney Record Largest

(The man and his huge record collection – Image source: Gizmodo)

It is a story about a man and his world largest record collection. Paul Mawhinney has 3 million records & 300,000 CDs, some in pristine condition and some probably is the only copy in the world. Paul is 69 years old and is not in good health.

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Personal 101: Colorful & Exciting Indian Wedding Part 4

The “4 am” Indian weddings are getting to be more “usual” these days, so it was not a big surprise when my younger brother decided to have his at 4.30 in the morning.

We have received similar wedding invitations before but it was the first “wee morning” wedding in the family, so everyone was typically curious and excited.… [Click to read the rest] “Personal 101: Colorful & Exciting Indian Wedding Part 4”