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Overseas Assignment 2007: Closed Call In Bangkok

Bangkok Toll Accident

I am off flying again for another overseas assignment – first flying to Bangkok and then returning to Malaysia for half daybreak and then flying off to Kabul again (last minute notice). I love flying but this marathon is a bit too much for me to handle and without much rest too. Hopefully, I can make it in time for Deepavali.

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Overseas Assignment 2007: Flying into Dangerous Kabul Again?


This is what was going in my mind now as I am sitting in my office on a Saturday night, pondering over an issue that my colleague in Kabul have just sent me over the email. Image source: Politico Magazine

The matter was not on the issue but more disturbing was another email  – from the client’s CEO to my big boss requesting me to be assigned to Kabul to help out on the system. Flattering I must say that the client’s CEO added the word “competent staff” but as much as I wanted to go, there are other factors running through my mine now.

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