
* Just bought a new toy for my son – colorful and different shape. If you punch it, it will stand straight due to a weight-counter at the bottom (Just to be sure, I “tested” it few times before my wife reminded me that it is for our son)

* The toy is placed in my son’s court. He was happy but was a bit afraid to touch it. He kept looking at me and the toy. All that time, he maintained a safe distance from the “thing”

* He inches closer to the “thing” as he realised that it was not moving or trying to grab him. Opps! His nose-digging act is caught on camera!

* Still feeling a bit apprehensive but close enough to listen whether the “thing” has a heart beat. Hmmm…no sound but feel soft and nice…reminds me of something


* Everything checked out ok! Now he just wants to lay on the “thing”…It reminds him of Daddy’s cool & big stomach


* As I move closer to catch the moment on my camera, he realised that the “thing” on Daddy’s hands (the “thing” that flashes whenever Daddy presses a button) is more fun. At the right distance, he went for it but unluckily (or luckily) Daddy had anticipated that move and held on to the “thing” tightly.