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Birthday Party, Clown and Tailgating3 min read

The title basically sums up things happen on my weekend…

I went to a friend’s son’s first birthday party last weekend with my wife and my son. The journey to the party was bad – it was raining heavily and there was an accident at Sunway exit. This was not a good sign at all. The traffic was so bad – I thought of making a U-turn and coming back home. Luckily I did not do that – the road was clear past the accident area and I was back on a “100 km/h speed”.

We reached in time and were early too. I guess the other guest was caught in the rain too. As it is his son’s first birthday, my friend had arranged a clown to be at the party – making fun and balloons for the small kids. That did not go well with my son – he started to cry whenever he sees the clown. Boy, this has happened before. It took time to calm him down and he only stopped when the clown was far away from him.

* The “enemy of the state” for my son – the clown

After cutting the cake, it was time for the dinner…

I don’t know what to say – when people are quieting queuing up for the buffet, there bound to be one of two people tend to cut queue, just because their family members or friends are in front. Gosh, I hate this…why can’t these people just take couple of seconds to queue up. The line was not that long and there was plenty of food.

When it was time to leave, we went to the car park and guess what; people have discriminately parked their car. Our car was stuck in the middle. My friend and his brothers had to come and help out to direct out the traffic. There were other cars stuck too. That took almost 20 minutes to clear before we could drive off.

When we were coming back, the rain had died down but the road was still slippery. Near the Parliament road, there was an almost standstill traffic jam. Don’t tell me it is another accident. I could see the flashing lights of tow trucks and my wife spotted a big crowd at the left of the road. Yes, it is confirmed that it is an accident but the question was how bad it was. When we reached, we saw that it was 7 cars pile up. Someone must have tail-gated and hit the car in the front when they braked. About 100 meters after this accident, there was another 5 car pile up.

Damn, what’s happening here? I drove slowly after this. I could not afford to be involved in a pile up after seeing how a smashed up Proton Iswara will look like in a pile up.

What a day it has been…

Del.ici.ous Tag: Event

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