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Design 101: If only Proton had this…2 min read

[Things did not look too well during my trip to Taiping last week. It was pretty much “eventful” this time around – I will blog about it soon]

Anyway, I returned from Taiping yesterday – opting to return on a working day has always been a good idea, less traffic on the road and rest areas. Just after leaving Tapah, I saw spotted a bright red colored car on the road.

From far, it looked like a Singaporean car – you know lah how they have all the new models around whilst many of us are still using Iswaras and Wiras. The Thais also have new models but you hardly see them on Malaysian roads

The car was doing 120 km/h when I managed to close on the car. The back looked impressive. So, I thought it must be one of the Japanese made sports cars and some lucky bugger managed to afford it. Curious to know what type of “Japanese Racing” car it was, I overtook the car (no prize for guessing my overtaking speed).

The side (especially the front) looks very familiar! Yes, it is a “remodeled” Proton Waja with a Johore plate number. The side skirting was well done and it was a beauty!

I completed the overtaking and damn, the front looks even more menacing and with an ala-Evo look. The skirtings and the other body panel did not look out of place – that’s right, it did not have any of the Ah-Beng’s unwanted accessories. It looked like it was manufactured by Proton.

The car maintained its 120 km/h speed and so I had to slow down and let the remodeled Proton Waja to overtake. Within minutes, it was gone from my sight.

As I was cruising down the highway, I was thinking why Proton with its R3 can’t come up with something like this – a road sport car or better still, provide JPJ approved body kit. Sigh, and they still unable to understand why their sales are down. Tag: Car

5 thoughts on “Design 101: If only Proton had this…2 min read

  1. yeah, heard from some friend down under, that the mod scene in Johor is very good … they do all crazy crazy stuff too … not the ah beng style …

  2. earl-ku…proton should learn people down under. Good designs not enjoyed by most of us up north

    din – If I was in the owner’s shoe, I would put the mitsu’s logo as well 😀

  3. wah, for a person who isnt into car at all, i like this one!! 🙂 btw, pls tell me u werent the one taking the pix!!!

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