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Blogging 101: New Photo Blog2 min read


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I have been thinking of doing this for some time now and the time is right to do so. I have decided to have a separate blog for my photos (my current blog is in a mess with writings and photos).

As at todate, I have almost 3,945 photos in my photo library in my house computer, all of which was taken with the same low tech Fuji FinePix A210 digital camera. The number of photo files has been growing steadily over the last few months as my “experiments” on taking creative shots have increased. So much so that I had to regularly back it up by burning the photo folders into CDs and tuck it away for safe keeping. You will never know when the hard disc will decide to crash.

Some of the shots that I blog is hosted in various photo hosting portals like Flickr, Photobucket and occasionally in Blogspot but nothing much was done on the site other than for storage. I rarely use the addition features in the hosting websites (although some are impressive). Over the months, I have also learned to improve on the shots (with the right composure and angles) and enhanced it with digital enhancement software (to compensate for the shortcomings of A210). There is a long way to go but I am learning it gradually through websites and photo magazines.

But something was still missing…

That is the story behind the pictures. Yes, I tell the story in my blog but little focus was made on the photos itself. Further, there are some photos that tell stories without the need for me to write it down. So, I decided to create another blog that specifically focus on the photos and short notes on the “Time”, “Location”, “Story” and “Technical Details” added to explain the photos further. Perhaps in future and once I have really “mastered” the art of photography; I may even add notes on how to take the shot.

So, please be free to visit to my photo blog titled “BJ Photos” and leave your comments. The URLs are as follows:-

Blog URL:

Blog RSS Feed URL:

I have loaded 2 shots for testing purposes and I hope to add on more as time permits (now that I have 2 blogs to manage – pening!). Tag: Photography

6 thoughts on “Blogging 101: New Photo Blog2 min read

  1. oooo…..congrats on new blog n hopefully u can cope with the kepeningan that comes with it. i oso manage 2 blogs n the other seems to be very badly neglected. kesian….

  2. yo friend..

    Maybe you should also consider buying a Nikon D50 or D70? 🙂 I would pray that CWP would give you a fat bonus early next year now that the corporate tas has been reduced in the recent Budget.

    Actually I saw one digicam that look like a DSLR which only cost arounde RM1,300. with most major camera manufacturer exitig from the coventional SLR I expect the price would drop further..Price of around RM2,300-2,500 for entry level DSLR would be very tempting..

  3. Yusof – once my new house expenses has been sorted out, the next plan is to buy a new PC (the existing one is so obsolated).

    Only after that, will be shopping for a DSLR (hopefully by then, high pixel and lowest noise reduction is up in the market for fraction of cost).

    But if there is a good bonus in the pipeline, never know, I might go for one earlier. Hehe

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