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The thing about American Idol2 min read

Ya, I watched it on Astro last night.

But I have a confession to make – I am not a big “idol” of American Idol or local version, Malaysian Idol. I never watched the finals or spend sleepless nights wondering who get picked up for the next round. It is simply a waste of time – because whoever in the finals, are those who can really sing. Otherwise, they would not have passed through Simon’s endorsement, right?

However, the preliminary round is a whole different story.

The preliminary rounds are where the real fun is seen. Countless of people who can’t sing and can’t dress well, pick up the courage to go on national TV and make a fool of themselves. Sometimes, it gets worse – they even challenge the judges on the decision to strike them off even though the singing was as bad as it can be. As Simon said last night to a contestant – “You look like the thing that came out from the swamp”. Hoo – that must have hurt. It must been very tiring on the judges to go through the process but it is fun. There are indeed good ones like the brother and sister (whom the father is from India) or the guy who had failed to pass in the past 2 auditions – they rock!

But the key entertainment still comes from the bloopers that most make – either they sing miserably or dress miserably. Some looked loss whilst for others, nervousness gets better of them. And this is not helped by the fact that Simon can be very nasty whilst the other judges are laughing away – sometimes the laughter is non-stop. For some, this is entertainment but for the rest, it is a wake up call. Perhaps friends and family may have liked them singing but when it comes to the judges, there is nothing but quality and to extent, picking the right song.

For those watched Malaysian Idol couple years ago, I am sure that you would have remembered the “Michael Jackson” who danced more than he could sing (Paul Moss sure had some remarks in the end):-

Of course, in the end, Jaclyn Victor became the first Malaysian Idol and set in the trend in years to come.

For detail analysis of the contestants in Season 6 of the American Idol, read the post by Brigittes Realm and Megs Mind Tag: TV

6 thoughts on “The thing about American Idol2 min read

  1. yeah the bro n sis were really good – n the best part was the bro was so sweet eventhough he got praised more 😉

    hopefully they last till the end

    but the rest were so funny – esp ppl who think they can sing

  2. Ya, Visi – noticed it but hopefully, he will be less shy in the next round otherwise Simon will have “something” to say. But then again, the powerful voice may save the kid.

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