Day 5 in Bangkok
Day 5 in Bangkok
Working on an overseas assignment can be very tiring and challenging. There is a feeling to get the work done professionally and expediently. After all reputations are on the line – personal, company or country.
But sometimes, we see something that is Malaysian in nature in a foreign country…whether it is about seeing a Proton Wira in Africa or seeing another Malaysian speaking the Bahasa Kebangsaan in Middle-East, our spirits are up and running. We forget the tiredness and strive to achieve the best. After all, we want to show case the best that Malaysians can do.

So, when we saw a Kedai Mesra Petronas in Bangkok, it left us a bit homesick and made us proud at the same time. I almost wanted to tell the taxi drive that we are in the Formula One business! Proud indeed or maybe because I just miss home and family (although it is just 5 days in Bangkok, haha)
(Filed under Del.icio.us Tag: Other Trips)