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Elections 101: Sarawak State Elections, The Spins3 min read

sarawak election

(Taib Mahmud and his unexplained growth in wealth is the focus of the opposition in Sarawak State Elections. It will be difficult for Najib & BN to justify Taib continuing his hold on the powers in . More so after hard evidence of native land grab – estimated 70,000 hectares, an area which is larger than Singapore and luxury properties abroad under Taib and Taib’s family members starts to emerge. Image source:

With the State Elections around the corner, it is just a matter before we will be hearing spins on both sides of the political divide.

A Pro-BN blog reported this:-

 I received an early morning sms from our folks in Sarawak. It says

“Lawatan DSAI ke Daerah Kapit. Di rumah Edision Bugap Ng Melekun Kapit, DSAI dimalukan oleh penduduk rumah panjang tersebut apabila Tuai Rumah bertanya kepadanya isu liwat dan jam Omega. DSAI menjadi marah dan terus meninggalkan majlis.

Solan di tanya oleh Tuai Rumah sendiri selepas DSAI berucap 20 minit. DSAI tinggalkan majlis tanpa bersalaman dgn penduduk. kehadiran sekitar 120 sahaja.”

This news is all around the Blogs as well. Even a Tuai Rumah (Dayak longhouse headman) is making fun of Buncit. Here is a fellow who says he wants to be Prime Minister and his rumah panjang host asks him questions about the missing Omega watch and his liwat case?

He could not answer so he left the place in a hurry. Malu lah. This is a future Prime Minister?

Apparently, according to the SMS from “their folks”, Anwar was “caught with his pants down” when he was campaigning in one of the longhouses and when questions about the sex video were raised, he became angry and had to rush out from the longhouse without shaking hands without anyone.

This is what was mentioned in the blog.

But if you hope over to Malaysiakini (who been under DDOS attack together with the anti-Mahmud site, Sarawak Report), there is an interesting revelation on what really happened:-

Meanwhile, an eyewitness to the incident when contacted by Malaysiakini, denied what was reported by the national news agency.

The person, who declined to be named, said he did not consider such a matter as ‘much of an incident’ in the Baleh constituency in Kapit. ‘

What happened was Anwar was delivering his speech when a tuai rumah (longhouse headman) from the longhouse asked him about the Omega watch, the sex tape and his on-going sodomy trial.

Anwar provided a decent answer in replying to the question, which was accepted by the audience. Anwar took some time in explaining and he did not run off as reported,’ he said.

‘I saw an SMS alert and it is truly a fabrication by the BN party machinery to humiliate Anwar. What happened was after Anwar answered the question, he continued to deliver his ceramah. It was the person who had left the longhouse and not Anwar,’ he said.

The person also disputed that the actual number in the longhouse audience was 120 as reported as there were 500 to 700 people during the 11am incident, where the audience was receptive and came out in numbers.

So, which is which?

No doubt that both stories were based on hearsay – one from unconfirmed SMS whilst another from an eye-witness who was there. Pakatan Rakyat has been high on their “Ubah” campaign – telling Sarawakians that it is time to kick the rich, corrupted Chief Minister and vote PR’s Baru Bian who has more creditability as the new CM.

Will the tsunami that swept the Peninsular Malaysia political landscape in 2008 will happen in Sarawak in 2011? For now, news from the ground seems to be heading that way and let’s hope that despite the spins in the mainstream media and blogs, Sarawakians will do what is right – elect people who have the people’s interest on top of personal or their family members’ interest.

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