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MH370: The Transport Minister1 min read


The case of a missing plane is no laughing matter but then again, seeing this image on Facebook reminds me of the need for Malaysian politicians who intending to be and Deputy Ministers to have the right qualifications, knowledge and attitude when the shit does hit the fan.

They should never handle a huge global issue as if it was domestic politics. I am sure that Hishammuddin Hussein, when he took over the portfolio on a temporary basis (after MCA had declined to take up any Government post), would not have expected for a plane to go missing under his watch. No one did. Todate, he has been doing his duty rather well and as expected of a Transport Minister except for that time when he screwed up things by not inviting the Pakatan MPs for a briefing on MH370 and then coming up with the usual dumb excuse.

Hope this will be a good lesson to all..

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