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Prepping in Malaysia 101: Rationing Up Water For the Worst Part 18 min read

water prepping ration

( includes stocking up enough water. More people means higher water consumption and coupled with a longer run of the dry season causes a dangerous level at the water catchment areas. Image source: TheStar)

Here are some snippets on the on-going water ration that you may have or may not have read.

Reality of Things

At first, comes the disbelief and outrage of the whole idea of (understandably from those who need a constant supply of water for business) – after all, we never had water ration in the past before and it is a fact that Malaysia stacks at the middle of the tropics and is no stranger to heavy rain in the evenings makes water rationing almost an alien concept:-

Malaysians reacted with a mixture of disbelief and outrage over the announcement that even more water cuts would be headed their way beginning this Friday. Having been forced to change their lifestyles to weather the water crisis, residents and business owners alike were demanding that the authorities figure out a way to improve the situation fast.


This year, water rationing has become a harsh reality and I am sure in the coming years, water rations would be a yearly event. And despite the disbelief & outrage that one may make on the water rations, this is reality and there is nothing anyone could do if we do not want to deplete the water so quickly. Water ration in the Klang Valley started with Phase 1 back in February 2014, subsequently, Phases 2 & 3 was initiated and we have now come to Phase 4 which started last week and already there are talks of Phase 5 water rationing:-

Phase four of water rationing in the Klang Valley begins on Friday but talks on phase five are already taking place as water reserves at dams in Selangor continue to drop below critical levels. Insiders say if the water levels decrease and rain does not fall over the water catchments areas, rationing could continue until the end of the year.


And for the record, even the wettest town in the country is facing the same problem and this should indicate the chaos in the climate system in the last few years:-

Water rationing in the country’s wettest town, Taiping, begins today and will last two weeks. Public utilities, infrastructure, energy and water committee chairman Datuk Zainol Fadzi Paharuddin said the water rationing will affect 23,719 households in Taiping as well as several areas in Kamunting.

“Although there was heavy rainfall near the Air Kuning dam area over the weekend, we will still go ahead with rationing to control and maintain a healthy level of water supply in the district,” he said. He said this is the first time water rationing is being carried out in the state.


It may get worse in the coming years. Water has always been one of the key priority at home when it comes prepping and readiness for unexpected long term water disruption. Now we are faced with actual water rations with some saying will last until July this year (or worse December), it was interesting to see what worked and what did not and what can be improved.


Before I go further, for your information, there is no rainwater harvesting system in place yet. It is not that I have not given its due thought on this – no doubt, rainwater harvesting system will cut down the usage of treated water used for car washing, toilet and general cleaning and will save up on the water bills.

One big problem is finding enough space for the rainwater harvesting system. It is not a small piece that one can just plug and play. Presently there is only limited space on my porch and the only I could expand it is if I renovate the whole place (one day I will) by shifting the pillars to the side and tile up the whole area. For the time being, there is no time or budget for that.

But having said that, I wonder why there has not been a greater call for rainwater harvesting system to be part of the standard facility for all new housing areas. House price is already at an insane level – a couple of more thousand does not make any much difference. This rainwater harvesting system remains an elusive item to most of us and it is not because of the price or lack of suppliers in the country but rather it is due to a lack of the space.

I did try to set up a very rudimentary rainwater harvesting system – a simple pail set at where the rain waterfalls from the roof and the water then stored in a water drum that can be sealed and used for toilets. But this cannot be done all the time especially when sometimes there is a serious lack of rain and if it rains, it is not enough to fill up the pail.

Realigning water usage

Obviously with water rations in place with 2 days with water and 2 days without water, we had to change our lifestyle rather drastically.

The first one to be thrown out of the window was my weekly car wash. I also have decided not to visit the roadside car wash – it is still good water down the drain (I wonder why roadside care wash centres are not banned in time of water crisis).

On the days when we don’t get water, we still use the washing machine for washing clothes as normal BUT not for the whole washing process. My wife pre-washes the clothes first using less water (assuming) and then put these clothes into the washing machine on SPIN mode which spins the clothes but does not use water. There’s less work for my wife too.

Long showers have been cut short too. These days we take enough to keep ourselves clean. This, however, does not apply for the kids – they still have to take a proper shower. Same goes for cooking at home (which also means dishwashing).

On the days when we don’t get water, we don’t cook. We opt to eat outside. However, the negative side of this is that we have to spend more money to buy food from outside. Yes, we save water in a way but in the long run, it is not cost-effective. Money that could be used for water bills ends up many-fold over on outside food and drinks.

And last week, when the kitchen cabinet contractors finally came to start work on my new kitchen cabinet (yes, finally!), we had to schedule their work time with the day when we get the water. Thankfully the workers’ boss understood the situation and rescheduled the work schedule for us.

pail water shortage ration prepping

(Selling like hot cakes – plastic water storage. Image source: theStar)

Extra storage

The other aspect of water ration is water storage. With less water used on days when the water is rationed by realigning the use of treated water, there is an added comfort if you have that extra storage of water lying somewhere in the house, just in case the water ration is extended for another day or two. Water storage is very high on our priority list.

In addition to the house water tank located on the roof, we had to ensure that we had stored enough water for drinking, cooking, washing, bathing and for use of toilet and this must be enough to last the whole household for at least 2 days or more. From the onset, as part of my prepping readiness, I had ensured that storage for drinking water is addressed first. We can go on without bathing for days but we cannot do the same when it comes to drinking water.

The 2 large 15 litres water containers were more than enough to sustain us for the 2 days (despite the water disruption and the warm weather making us drink more water). Based on my calculation, it should last us for at least a week. And to be on the safe side, for my daughter’s use, we also bought 2 boxes of 1.5-litre drinking water bottles.

Each box has about 1.5 litres 12 bottles – so in total, we had about 66 litres of drinking water which is sufficient to meet the daily recommended water intake per person for 1 week. In addition to this, we had filled up 4 pots of raw tap water that can be easily boiled for drinking. That adds another 40 litres of drinking water. So drinking water was not a major problem.

For bath and toilet, we had bought 3 huge water containers (about 80 litres each) at about RM70 each (price jacked due to the water crisis, no doubt) and this is filled to the brim when we had water and kept this stored water unused until the house tank water goes dry.

Moving forward

Then the question that begs to be answered is whether with Phase 1, 2, 3 & 4 water rations in place, does it really saves up water? If you ask me, it does not – it seems like we still use the same amount water on an average basis. Dirty clothes still need to be washed. We still need to take a shower and use the toilet.

We may not cook at home but since we buy food from the outside, the restaurant still uses water. But this is something for the authorities to consider in the long run. As individual preppers, what is more, important is storage and managing usage for greater sustainability.

This makes an interesting case study for prepping in Malaysia in the coming years and may inspire non-believers, those who had thought good things are here forever to be a prepper. Water rations could just be the start of things to come. With more changes to the global climate, things will change and some will change drastically. In the end, it will fall on how ready we are to meet these changes.

2 thoughts on “Prepping in Malaysia 101: Rationing Up Water For the Worst Part 18 min read

  1. Solve the water problem quickly – stop pointing fingers at each other!
    The water problem faced by the people seems to be getting worse instead of improving.
    In a news broadcast aired over RTM yesterday, it was reported that the water rationing will stop indefinitely because the continuous heavy rainfall has managed to fill up the reservoirs rendering it unnecessary for water rationing to continue. However, in today’s report, quoting the MB of Selangor, he was reported to say that the water rationing exercise will continue for at least another three months. Which news should we believe in?
    By the look of it and based on what is going on, the Selangor MB is telling us a more accurate news.
    Do the authorities realise that the rationing of water due to the water shortage problem has caused plenty of hardship to the people and many businesses are losing millions daily because of it. Will they be compensated for it? No!
    People living in flats have to lift buckets of water to the upper floors and some even have to walk up 10 floors to send them to their residential units.
    It is also affecting people who are sick and many sufferers of renal or kidney problems, for example, had to cancel their dialysis treatment due to the water shortage.
    SYABAS CEO, Tan Sri Rozali Ismail earns RM5.1 million a year or RM425,000.00 per month and the water shortage problem definitely does not justify the extremely high salary paid to him. Likewise, it also does not justify the high salaries enjoyed by the senior executives of SYABAS. They should feel ashamed of themselves.
    We cannot have crocodiles running an organisation that is supposed to supply a very important utility to the people continuously. They have failed miserably in performing their duties. They are only ruining lives and livelihood and yet, they get paid very handsomely for that.
    The federal and state authorities need to settle their differences quickly and take the correct actions fast to overcome this water problem.
    Rightfully, with the amount of rainfalls that we have and the number of water catchment areas, reservoirs, rivers, etc., and rightfully, we people should not be facing any water shortage at all if the resources are managed well.

    1. I believe the water ration will go on for another month or two unless we get heavy rain on daily basis. The good thing is Selangor State Government is taking over Syabas and hopefully water will be managed properly and we will not water rations in the future

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