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Military 101: Revisiting RMN’s Brilliant 15 to 5 Transformation Program

RMN Frigate KD Lekiu Jebat Navy Ship

RMN has a difficult mission to perform which is to protect Malaysia’s maritime interest and protect almost 4,700 kilometers of coastline from any unwanted intrusions. And yet, its fleet is insufficient and aging compared to a small country like Singapore where it only has a coastline of 200 kilometers to protect and has a very modern, capable fleet. Image source: Wikipedia

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Know Your Car Basics 101: Faulty Dumb Car Keys, Almost End Spending RM950!

Car Key Mercedes

Unlike car keys in the olden days, modern car keys are sensitive, high-tech with many functions, and unfortunately not cheap when it comes to getting replaced or serviced. At times, it is a nightmare as the car cannot be started without a working car key & the electronics inside. Image source: Pexel /Mike B

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Politics 101: Urgent MOU By Unity Government, Just How Good Is It?

MOU, Anwar Ibrahim, Pakatan Harapan, Unity Government

It is not an ideal situation that many had expected where Pakatan Harapan signs a memorandum of understanding (MOU) before the first sitting of the Parliament and is forced to work closely with the other side of the spectrum i.e. Barisan Nasional, GPS, and GRS in a unity government where the Prime Minister may be restricted in some areas. Image source: Free Malaysia Today

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