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March 2023

Democracy 101: V for Vendetta – Brilliant Lessons Learned For Layman

V for Vendetta, Guy Fawkes,

One of the iconic symbols from the movie, V for Vendetta is the Guy Fawkes mask has been adopted by many protesters fighting the Government and also by the famous hacking group, Anonymous. Image source: IMDB

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Parliament 101: What Is The Role Of A Strong Opposition In A Democracy?

parliament MPs opposition democracy

In a matured democracy, the Parliament serves many purposes and one of the key components to prove that democracy is alive & kicking is the role played by the Opposition side of the Government. Without a strong Opposition to keep the Government on its toes, the Parliament will be is nothing but a mere rubber stamp to all the nonsense that the Government will do. Image source: The Net

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Military 101: FA-50 Fighting Eagles Light Combat Jet Fighter Finalised For Malaysia’s RMAF

KAI F-50 FA-50 RMAF Korean Jet Fighter

The FA-50 “Fighting Eagle” which started as an advanced trainer, T-50 is a joint venture between South Korea’s Korea Aerospace Industries with US-based Lockheed Martin and is in service primarily in the South Korean Air Force with 60 fighter jets and in all South East Asia countries except Singapore & Brunei. Image source: Wikipedia

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