Skip to content is indeed delicious!2 min read

Ever since I started on , 2 things kept me interested to continue to blog: –
1. coming with the content for a blog (it’s a good mental exercise) and
2. Able to learn new things (when it comes to tweaking my blogspot, my hands are just too itchy to keep still)

Now, with my blog growing in the last 6 months, I am finding some difficulty to search through past blog entries. This is so when I need to refer back to my earlier blog entries which have a related issue. Forget about going through the search engine – some of my new entries are not found under any search engine (I am not sure whether my template got anything to do with it or not).

The only hard way was to click on the archives and search the entries for the month. That is time consuming and depending of the internet speed (like my home’s dialup speed), can be downright frustrating.

So, when John of Freshblog talked about and the blog entries, I was able to find a solution for my problem. That is to bookmark online using I truly respect John for his ideas – the main reason being he does all his tips and ideas using a blogspot himself. Looking at the mods in his blogspot, one can mistake it for a site on a private domain (I was too until I saw the URL). So, what works for his blogspot can surely work for mine and for other “blogspotters” (so, thanks a lot, John!).

I have heard about before but I did not give much thought about until I read John’s blog entry titled “Holiday Assignment”. So, I registered myself with (it’s free registration) and started to bookmark my blog entries. I was amazed of the ease of bookmarking and segregating my blog entries into various categories. All it takes is 3 easy steps:-

1. Click to the blog entry permalink
2. Click on the post to icon (drag it to browser’s bookmark after registration)
3. Update the notes, tag the entry into a category and click save

(My account shows the bookmark along with the blog categories that I have created. Looking back now reveals I have blogged about people’s attitude more than any entries – I can be so mean! Ha ha)

My next idea is to display the list of categories in my blogspot for readers (and me) to click on the categories to search similar topic genre. That will be my next project along with John’s holiday assignment.

For those using blogspot, make a visit to Freshblog and learn new tricks and ideas to make full use of the features in blogspot.

Till then, happy blogging
(Filed under Tag: Blogsphere)

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