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Automotive Related 101

Anything to do with cars, driving skills, vehicle maintenance, automotive news and related matters

Driving Skills 101: Queue Jumper’s Unnecessary Provocations

provocation queue-jumper

(The “usual” provocations from the queue jumpers at the toll plaza – the traffic moves faster if everyone queues up and wait for their turn. Imagine what happens if one idiot decides to drive between the proper queues and tries to cut in. Before you know it, another line had formed in between the 2 original lines and the traffic comes to a crawl. Image source: Challenging Coaching)

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Driving Skills 101: Stopping Stupid Pesky Motorcyclists From Our Roads Part 1


(I hate to see the “kid” in between the parents! I start cursing when I see a baby in between them. You think the kid will be well protected when a car hits them at 100 km/h? Poverty is one thing but stupidity is another. Image source: TV Smith’s Malaysia Truly Malaysia)

Ha, almost killed an old man on a bike this morning…

But it is not the first time that I almost killed someone on the road – on daily basis, I had to content with pesky motorcyclists who don’t give a damn when changing lanes without any indicators or without considering the traffic on the other side of the lane and who think that they are the king of the road when driving on the other side of the lane and who turn violent when we horn them to warn them and ride bikes at night without lights.

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Highway 101: Encountering Reckless Livina Drivers

livina highway

(All whites Livinas on the highway! At first, we thought it was a new way of delivering new vehicles to their customers – some beautifully modified told us it was not but putting themselves and other road users in great danger)

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Driving Skills 101: When Dumb Factory Workers Crosses The Road

phone cross road factory workers

(Sometimes it is wise to look left and right before crossing the road, more so if a speeding car is heading your way. Image source:

There are lifeless zombies that cross the road every morning near my residential area and workplace.

To others, they are known as factory workers – lowly paid, the repetitive task assigned and often “foreign” in nature. At their workplace, they are almost like the bee worker, working on a specific task 6 days a week, 12 months in a year. So, the use of their creativity and intelligence is probably limited to choosing the gravy or the flavour of their drink during their lunch break.

Other times, it would be sufficient if they could just follow the simple factory rules and meet the daily quota.

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Special Projects 101: Car Makeover 2010 (Update 3)

project steering balancing

(The white stuff under the chassis simply rocks! It is out of sight but not out of mind – you can really feel the difference especially at the corners. Image source: Ultra Racing)

Between update 2 and 3 of my special car makeover project, there was some small development – the car now has 4 new spring coils and that made a lot of difference to rear load balancing

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