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Attitude Change

Budget 101: No Worries, The Friendly Ah Long Is Here

budget ah long friendly

(How many of us keep a budget and then spend more than we earn and ended up borrowing from Ah Long aka loan sharks? It is not too late to learn the fine art of financial planning – keeping budget, ensuring that our income is enough to cover the expenses, keeping up saving for rainy days and when hard days are in, to learn to cut down on unnecessary expenses and tighten our belts)

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Enforcement 101: Ops Sikap: Attitude vs Enforcement

UPDATE: Follow up on Ops Sikap, it is good to hear that the police is going all out for those who are speeding on the roads. Hopefully, they will find better ways to crack down pesky motorcyclists and enforce the law on those who change lane without putting on the indicators, abuse the emergency lane, hog the roads, etc

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(Caught this video back in 2008 of those who abuse the emergency lane – nothing have changed in 2011. Will we see a change of attitude in 2012?)

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