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Overseas Assignment 2009: Bored Trip to Brunei – Part 3: Tourism Spots

Brunei Water Village

(Fancy a visit to the famous water village in Brunei which is said to be in existence for more than 500 years? I asked my good host what one can do once we have taken the boat and crossed over to the village. His only reply was “nothing”)

Continuing from Part 2, it is said that 97% of Brunei’s income comes from the oil & gas industry. It is, therefore, is not a big surprise that there seems to be a lack of tourism spots and opportunities in the city.

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Overseas Assignment 2009: Bored Trip to Brunei – Part 2: Starting Work

Brunei Chicken Curry Food

Despite Brunei being a hardcore Islamic country, the Government is quite tolerant of restaurants serving pork dishes. This is because of the sizeable Chinese community in Brunei which makes it easy to get a good dish of Bakuteh. So when I had a chance to switch to the good old chicken curry, it was a welcomed dish.

Read More »Overseas Assignment 2009: Bored Trip to Brunei – Part 2: Starting Work