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Hong Kong

National Security 101: Extradition Of Criminals Internationally

Extradition Hong Kong China Malaysia Law Indira Gandhi Muhammad Riduan Abdullah

There was a major on the laws that legislation intends to pass which will make it possible to send suspects to mainland China for trial. It was eventually withdrawn after months-long of protests from the citizens. Image source: Australian Institute of International Affairs.

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World News 101: Hong Kong Peaceful Occupy Central Rally 2014

hong kong

(The first night of the protest in Hong Kong was bad with tear gas & pepper spray on the protestors and this prompted greater support for the rally but it is not something new here. Image source:

Well thing for sure, my trip this time has been screwed up big time and need to be rescheduled. There’s plenty of work that needs to be done and the last thing I need now is for a prolonged public and plenty of uncertainty.

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Public Transportation 101: Hong Kong: The Home of Efficient Public Transport

public transport

(Comparatively, is not far from a very efficient public transportation system and with further extension to the LRT lines and the upcoming MRT lines, one hopes that it will close the gap in the current system. Perhaps we can learn one or two things from .  Image source: Google)

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