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Indelible ink

Indelible Ink: Most Expensive Food Colouring?

Read these first:-

Indelible Ink

(In the end, it was nothing but just a food colouring? Didn’t we paid RM7.1 million for it? Cartoonist Zunar – Malaysiakini say it all)

Here’s one to digest for your lovely weekend.

It is an interesting article in Malaysiakini (reproduced at Anwar Ibrahim Blog) on the issue of used in the last general election. Considering that there has been a greater call for the EC chief to step down and too many complaints against the quality of the indelible in the last elections makes this a good reading.

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Governance 101: The Hard Case for Biometrics vs Indelible Ink

indelible ink election

(Showing the middle finger to indelible ? Image source:

UPDATE: Read here and here for interesting readers’ comments – an interesting link on how the introduction of biometrics instead of indelible ink could mean millions in revenue for those will be supplying the whole package and why it is not worth the investment in the first place.

Read More »Governance 101: The Hard Case for Biometrics vs Indelible Ink