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Istana Negara

Democracy 101: The King And I


(Yul Brynner as the majestic King of Siam in the classic movie King and I – he was born to play the role. Can you image what would have happened if a group of people walked up to the and demanded the to be replaced with their “a bit-lost” leader? They would have arrested immediately and hanged for high treason. Image source:

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Malaysia 101: When Taxpayers’ Money Hits The Palace’s Fan

Istana Negara Palace Malaysia

(The old is already looking majestic and we have already spent millions on it but we went ahead to construct a new palace. We end up looking like dungus but what the heck, we been in that situation before. The new palace looks good on paper but the volume of abuse and of funds to build it makes the whole affair end up looking too ugly. Image source: Tok Ey Ai)

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