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Know Your Car Basics 101: Faulty Dumb Car Keys, Almost End Spending RM950!

Car Key Mercedes

Unlike keys in the olden days, modern are sensitive, high-tech with many functions, and unfortunately not cheap when it comes to getting replaced or serviced. At times, it is a nightmare as the car cannot be started without a working car key & the electronics inside. Image source: Pexel /Mike B

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Special Projects 101: Part 5: New Car Makeover 2021 – New Rubber Solves Mysterious Flooding

rubber car makeover restoration project

My project for the had to take a backseat after June last year as I get to travel less on the road and inability to purchase new changes like rubber linings for the car due to the pandemic. So I rather focussed on the car being kept clean and polished to ensure that it looks new as much as possible. I finally decided to switch my point of servicing the car as it was getting to an old car at the authorised service centre. Image source: 5-Minutes Craft Youtube

Read More »Special Projects 101: Part 5: New Car Makeover 2021 – New Rubber Solves Mysterious Flooding

Special Projects 101: New Car Makeover 2021(Prelude)

car makeover restoration project

A makes a lot of difference given the time, passion and cost that one has. Owning a is one of the “must-have” items for anyone in the modern era – however, a car is an asset that is to buy and maintain and depreciates and prone to wear and tear depending on its mileage and usage. Image source: 5-Minutes Craft Youtube

Read More »Special Projects 101: New Car Makeover 2021(Prelude)

Know Your Car Basics 101: Dumbass Mechanic 2


Read the first instance here

(The last thing I expected to see on any is the and that too on a well maintained new car. But I understand that over time all things will deteriorate and breaks down. The important thing is to get it fixed on time and without much hassle. The last thing we need is a dumbass in the equation. Image source:

Read More »Know Your Car Basics 101: Dumbass Mechanic 2