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The Crown

History 101: New British Royalty and Growing Call for It’s Abolishment

Queen Elizabeth III British Royalty Monarch

One has to say that it was an end of an era in British history when Queen Elizabeth II passed away on the 8th of September 2022 after reigning on the crown for more than 70 years. She was 96 years old and the crown will now be handed over to her son, Prince Charles who will finally become King Charles III. Image source: Pedcymro29 Youtube Channel

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World Affairs 101: Lessons To Be Learned, The Aberfan Disaster

The Crown Aberfan Queen Royalty TV

With Netflix as our main source of entertainment these days, one of the favourite series among others has been The Crown which portrays the life of Queen Elizabeth II from her wedding in the 1940s until the 1990s and some key moments in history including the Aberfan disaster. Image Source: Scala Radio

Although one accepts that considering it is TV series, some of the events that have happened would have been heavily dramatized. It however does shows the tension and stress that the royalties, namely Prince Phillip and Prince Charles in light of the standing of the Queen.

Read More »World Affairs 101: Lessons To Be Learned, The Aberfan Disaster