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Yang DiPertuan Agong

Malaysia 2018: A Strong Case for Tommy Thomas as the next AG

Tommy Thomas Attorney General Legal AG

(After the major screw-up and yet to accept the reality of things, the guy on the left does not have enough trust and credibility to continue to be the AG i.e. the Attorney General. The country needs a change – a drastic change that it. Image source: Free Malaysia Today)

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Democracy 101: The King And I


(Yul Brynner as the majestic King of Siam in the classic movie King and I – he was born to play the role. Can you image what would have happened if a group of people walked up to the palace and demanded the of Siam to be replaced with their “a bit-lost” leader? They would have arrested immediately and hanged for high treason. Image source:

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Elections 101: Bersih 2.0, The Paranoia Had Started

Bersih 2.0 rally election protest

With the Bersih rally to be held soon, I guess one becomes very paranoid all over when one enters the Home Ministry. But with 2.0, it has gone beyond the realms of paranoia to an extent where wearing certain coloured T-shirts could get you arrested.

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Elections 101: Bersih 2.0, The Wise King’s Response

Agong King Bersih

(The King who presided over the previous Bersih 1.0 is once again have made declaration that should bring the Government and Bersih 2.0 on talking terms again – hopefully. Image source:

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