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It is depressing…2 min read


It is already depressing to go to work in a heavy traffic jam. It is depressing with the haze. It is more depressing to see that some of the politicians want to be the nice guy to an inconsiderate neighbor.

Read this and tell me whether your blood boils or not?

Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar indicated Malaysia will take a softly-softly approach, in order not to damage the fragile relationship with its neighbor. “We cannot. In the interests of neighborly relations, we must sit down and discuss and consult. This is the common interest” he said, adding that crisis talks between ministers from both sides would begin in Jakarta tomorrow.’We have no other alternative; we cannot go into an open conflict that will not be good for the region. That will not be good in terms of our relationship. So that is not the way that Malaysia will adopt,’ he said at a news conference.

The question is “was it due to the Malaysia’s softly-softly approach that Indonesian is bold enough to cause the haze for past few years and arrogant enough to just say sorry?” If Indonesia invades Malaysia, kill Malaysians in cold blood, rapes our women and children, will Syed Hamid Albar still be calling for softly – softly approach?

I am will be off from tomorrow to Tuesday as I will be in Taiping with my family, breathing fresher air there and probably make a trip to the Lake Garden to check on the drying up of the lake water. We needed the break anyway. There are too many inactive politicians in Klang Valley, causing too many depression to many of us.(Picture taken on 11.08.2005 – feeling very depressed going to work in a haze but luckily had a good CD to keep my cool)

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