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December – a very unproductive month2 min read


(A pick-up truck is faster than a racing car? Sometimes it feels that way in especially if you are the racing car. Cartoon source: – copyright by Mike Smith)

For me, the month of December is not a productive month.

Firstly, this is the time where everyone suddenly “discovers” how many leave they have and go for extended leave to avoid the balance of the leave from being forfeited. One of them is me. I thought I have finished all my leave for the year until my Admin Head comes and tell me that I still have 4 more days in December. 4 days? That should be easy to take, right? Wrong. Because all in my department also “discovers” that they have extra days and submit their leave applications at the same time. So, it is up to the boss to decide who can be on leave and who will be the relief. I took 2 days off and I don’t mind forfeiting the balance 2.

Secondly, this is the time for the customer to wrap up projects & budgets. So, it is almost impossible to be getting a new project in this month. All will be pushed to next year – reason: to be under next year budget. Existing projects also slows down because people involved in the project is either on leave or busy relieving their colleagues. Even payments are pushed to next year to avoid upsetting the GL for the year.

Thirdly, after being very energetic run for almost 11 months, our body and mind slows down and will be urging for a break (this is where your “balance leave” comes in handy). So, even though we are in the office facing the computer, doing complicated computation on screen, we become too weak to digest the output. Some of us are in “alam maya” (dream world) for most of the time in office. Going back at sharp 5.00 pm is getting more frequent.

So, I will be off from tomorrow to next week Wednesday – so, I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

(Filed under Tag: Event)

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