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Foot in the mouth – Malaysian recent examples3 min read

(Malaysia Boleh Juga!– Picture source:
I am back from my leave and the first thing that crossed my mind when I opened today’s papers is that Malaysian surely know on how to make a fool of themselves

Let’s start with Datuk M.

The PPP president is arguing that politicians were “playing safe” by not speaking up on corruption in these councils. He said “they know what’s going on, but they do not talk about it. They could be playing safe, or have an interest in a particular project.”

Yes, it is a good argument but then again, isn’t this the same guy who has been criticizing the local government without naming names? TheStar on Monday reported this: “Citing an example, Kayveas said there was a centre with badminton courts but the local authorities only allowed its staff and politicians to use the facility. Kayveas declined to name the local authorities involved in such practices”

Yes, you read it right – Kayveas declined to name the local authorities involved in such practices. So, is he playing safe too? Is he one of the politicians who are using the badminton court? It’s easy to make a general statement but when it comes to pinpointing someone or an actual cause, it seems like some “talk-cock” politicians can be real cowards.

Next, our very own (you are surprised? I was)

“Malaysians today are free to express their views and opinions,” Abdullah said in a recent interview with visiting foreign journalists. “We have a very strong majority of 90 per cent plus. I have allowed my backbenchers in Parliament to ask very tough questions.

I think Pak Lah is just talking about himself because the rest of MP does not share the privileges of able to express their views and opinions. Mind you that this statement was given by the PM in response to this question: “Is a Parliament loaded with Barisan Nasional MPs bad for Malaysia?”

So, am I calling the PM a fool for putting his foot in his mouth with that statement?

Let’s look at this incident that happened several days ago – the incident of the women senators being forced to vote for family law Bill.

“They are free to debate and speak their mind, but when it comes to a vote, they have to follow,” Nazri told a hastily called press conference.

So, yes Malaysians today are free to express their views and opinions but if you are unable to exercise your views and opinions, it is as good as not being able to express the views and opinions. “Is a Parliament loaded with Barisan Nasional MPs bad for Malaysia? Yes, if you have everyone following the whims and fancy of a party instead of the voters.

What about the tough questions that the PM mentioned, you ask? Well, it depends how tough it can get before it gets you suspended from the Parliament. Other times, tough questions can take a whole new meaning.

(Filed under Tag: Malaysian_Politics)

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