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Word Meme2 min read

When I did the School Meme, somehow I knew it will come back to haunt me.

Got this from Yvy at the time I was busy crunching figures from my client. I took a quick glance at the words and said to myself “Gosh! The first word in the list is already seem too bombastic – Actinide”. This was the indication that I need to sit down when I am free and do it slow and steady.

Before that, the rules (all meme has to have one) – Write a composition using the following 10 words. The composition is not to be more than 300 words in length. The words must be used in the order found on the list. Each word presented in the list must be used only once:-

Oval Office
Space shuttle

And here it is:-

"Hah, this is not part of Actinide, Samy” Pak Lah said this when he saw juvenescence looking rock on his brand new titanium table. The rest of the Cabinet Ministers were however at ease despite the rare objection from Pak Lah. They have heard such remarks from the PM before.

It was almost midnight when the meeting started at the PM’s office at Putrajaya. The weekly meeting has grinned to a stop when Samy motioned an emergency discussion of his issue. Najib who was sitting next to Pak Lah however did not pay any attention to Samy. He was admiring the newly renovated office. After millions of ringgit and several times abandonment, the PM’s office was starting to look like the Oval Office in White House. Before the fuel crisis, it is used to look like a cottager was staying here.

Najib let out a silent smile. If it is not for his “change your lifestyle”, the office would not been renovated, the very office that he will take over soon.

Samy however did not accede to Pak Lah’s conclusions. He was convinced on the chemistry element of the rock that was thrown at him when he was having his briyani during his press conference on why the MRR2 collapsed. The rock missed him by inches and came crashing down on his RM500,000 priced  Toll Booth.

Unknowing to Samy, Pak Lah was also unconvinced of Samy’s story as it was almost like a Tamil TV serial screenplay. Pak Lah quickly dismissed the issue and moving on, he informed that he has decided to go ahead with building Malaysia’s first space shuttle to the Sun. He wants Malaysia to be first to do that and wants a committee to look into this project. This time, Samy let out a silence smile.

Exactly 300 words and yes, I used all the 10 words…

(Filed under Tag: Language)


4 thoughts on “Word Meme2 min read

  1. aiseyman…someone got WP based blog now. 🙂 welcome to the WP world. you’re goin to be addicted to it, mark my words. Heh. 😛

  2. How in the hell you got to know about this? Ya, I was testing the wordpress because I was recommending it to someone and realise that I never used it myself 😀

  3. hahaha!!! lol actually i oso dunno how i found it….

    but i’m wondering how u can simultenously upload the same post on blogger n in WP.

  4. I am uploading twice – one for blogspot and another for wordpress – it is a kinda of parallel run until I decide to close blogspot completely migrate to wordpress fully.

    The management features is great but is a kinda limited when not hosting outside but I have no complaints. The features that is given is more than enough for the time being. I am sure will be enriching the features just as how Blogger did for the last 2 years

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