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Culture 101: Just married!3 min read

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(A visit to the temple last night and the fact that Yvy is getting married in 2 weeks time inspired this post)

I was on leave yesterday.

It was not that I wanted a break from work because of work related stress but I took the day off because I wanted to collect the keys to my new house. However there was some delay on the release of the loan from the bank, I had to postpone to another day to collect it (damn, I am getting more anxious day after day).

Anyway I had the whole day to spare. So I woke late, played computer game, played with my son before he had to take the morning shower and continued my reading of “The Da Vinci Code”. I only have another 50 odd pages to go and the read through “The Da Vinci Code” has been one heck of a ride. I agree with some, the story is too real to be dismissed as “fiction”. I should finish reading it by tonight and then perhaps blog about it next week (ha ha).

So, whenever I am on leave and I am at home (busy playing computer games), it only means one thing in the evening – it’s time for prayers in the temple. So, choosing to go either to the 130 year old Amman temple or the 130 year old Perumal temple in Puchong, my wife decided for me – we go to the Perumal Temple as there was some special prayers for that night. After having a tough time getting my son to dress up for prayers (imagine 2 adults chasing 2 year old kid running naked around the house), we arrived at about 7.40 pm. Praying in the temples always gives me this calm feeling, so I did not mind the large crowd. My son on the other hand, was eager to run around the temple compound.

Just then I saw them…

A couple, a newly married one – I know because I saw the guy was still wearing the “minjji” or toe rings on his toes. They were holding hands, looked hopeful of their future and seemed happy to be in the temple. I noted and I was about to open my mouth to tell my wife when she remarked “Ya, I saw them too”. I was wearing those “toe rings” on my toes when I got married couple of years old but I had to take them off when my toes became too fat big to wear them.

My wife jokingly said “I pity the girl” I asked why and she said that after few years, probably she will realised that her husband’s attitude will change – they may not hold hands that often, the husband’s concentration will be on the kids more than on his wife and etc. That is the fact of life. I looked at her one kind and she said that it is just a joke. Hmm…not convincing enough but then she has a point. My outlook towards married life is a bit different from the time when I just married my wife. One big shift of direction is my son – who demands full attention from both of us.

I must have been lost in my thoughts when my son pulled my shirt asking me to take him nearer to the cows tied down in the temple’s courtyard. He grabbed hold on my fingers and started walking towards the cows. That is when I saw the newly married couple again – busy “concentrating” on each other. They might as well enjoy it whilst they can.

Once they have kids, they will be too busy for themselves. So Yvy, enjoy married life – trust me, it will be fulfilling. Tag: Event


5 thoughts on “Culture 101: Just married!3 min read

  1. wow. BJ….good advice but that’s the thing u know. i know that things tend to change after kids especially and i’ve seen it happen far too many times that sometimes i’m afraid that it will happen to me [which i think is going to anyway] but i will at least try to remind ourselves that just coz we’re married with kids doesnt mean that one has change towards their spouse. 😉 i think it will certain keep the fire alive if both party TRY [keyword] to be like newly married couples for as long as they can.

    it’s quite common to see husband walking in front with kids while the wife is behind or vice versa. and it’s become such a romantic thing for me to see the couple walking hand in hand WITH the kids with them, what more if i see an old couple walking hand in hand. aiyo, SO romantic n loving. 🙂

  2. Yvy…hehe…”an old couple walking hand in hand” – that’s after their kids have grown up and does not need their parents to look after them

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