The song “Sara” by Starship has been running through my mind recently. Image source:
Go now don’t look back we’ve drawn the line
Move on it’s no good to go back in time
I’ll never find another girl like you,
For happy endings it takes two
We’re fire and ice, the dream won’t come true
Sara, Sara, storms are brewin’ in your eyes
Sara, Sara, no time is a good time for goodbyes
It must have been in late 80’s – I can’t recall the actual year but it was the year when I visited Cameron Highlands for the first time. The neighbours near my grandmother’s house decided to organize a trip for the holidays and me being my grandma’s favorite grandson (ahem), was also asked to join in with all expenses paid by grandma (with little extra pocket money for the trip).
I joined the other neighbourhood kids in the trip and remained as one big gang throughout the whole trip and going on our own instead of joining the adults was fun and adventurous too. By the time we had done with the “tour” of the fruit & vegetable farm (when it was cold to our bones), it was time for a late breakfast (we left to Cameron Highlands when it was still dark). We joined the rest in one of the small coffee shops near Tanah Rata (I think) and ordered a hot black coffee (somehow we had enough of tea in one day) and some bread.
That is when I spotted it for the first time in my life…a jukebox.
I have not seen anything like it before and I noticed that some of the songs listed in the jukebox were my favourites. The cost of playing out the song was cheap too – just 20 cents for each song. But the problem was I did not know how to operate it. So, I got one of the older kids to help me out to pick up a song to listen whilst we are enjoying our breakfast. We did not aim for any particular song and just picked something that looked easy to pick.
We ended up picking the song “Sara” by Starship…and the rest, they say was history.

After almost 20 years since I first heard the song, listening to it now still bring back the good old memories.