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Childhood Memories: Part 3 – Learning New Science with 321 Contact TV Show

321 contact tv show childhood

In those days, way before we had the Discovery channel, we had this TV show called 321 Contact and it was a hit with us at home. Imagine source: Fireden

Continuing the weekly series – read Part 2 here

Me and my siblings used to get jealous of the kids in the show getting to do many interesting things. Although we were not “familiar” with this thing called science, we tried to copy some of the “experiments” that were shown but obviously without success.

It was not easy to get working YouTube link that showed the opening of this TV show but there was a long shot.

YouTube player

The 3-2-1 theme stuck with us till now. Even when we hear the number marked down, 3-2-1, without we realizing it; we will say the word “Contact”.

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