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Politics 101: Hulu Selangor By-Election Poser Part 33 min read

Politician Stupid Diapers Hulu Selangor Election

Kind of waiting for this type of nonsense to crop up sooner or later which is not a surprise whenever there is an election, especially now with by-elections.

Read Part 1 here and Part 2 here

One can flower up their leaders to some extent but I guess this kind of flowering has gone over the roof.

UPDATE: The link to post in relation to Hulu Selangor at Putera is dead now but the paragraph is reproduced verbatim below. Perhaps someone at Putera MIC noted the “problem” and took it down. But still, enjoy the original paragraph below – still a classic.

From Putera MIC (please ignore the various spelling errors, all in one paragraph and grammar mistakes by them):-

Why P Kamalanathan is the correct candidate for Hulu Selangor?

Chief Kamalanthan has been active in politics since age of 18 year’s old where grownup from grassroots to a position where he is now.

Kamalanathan’s Chief of Putera MIC is equal to a battalion’s of army, he has assist many youth’s to a correct path, helping poor students to achieve their ambition.

He is a man who really cares for the people. Being like a big brothers to friends & family s this man has made few program which made most of our indian festival in limelight.

He has organized National ponggal celebration, Muruku for charity , Forum’s for IPTA and IPTS students , the most record attempt program was doing kolam at up of the KL tower.

Such a program’s made MIC and putera MIC top in flash news. We dont just talk, please see this images and link that we have provided.

Let me highlight what I thought was really weird:-

He has organized National ponggal celebration, Muruku for charity , Forum’s for IPTA and IPTS students , the most record attempt program was doing kolam at up of the KL tower

Is this what Hulu Selangor voters really need?

A guy who is good at organising events revolving around murukkus and kolams?

Nothing else to talk about this man?

Putera MIC bloggers may have good intentions but their act of trying to flower up their Putera leader for the upcoming Hulu Selangor elections seems to have gone the wrong way.

What is Kamalanathan’s achievements when it comes to economic problems, social problems, etc? Telling that he had “assisted many youths to a correct path” is too general. I too have “assisted many youth’s to a correct path” – can I stand in for the Hulu Selangor by-elections as well?

Kamala is not a household name for many of us.

So, if MIC is intending to introduce the man based on these “achievements”, then I wish them, all the best. They going to need every scrap of luck they can find.

Looking at this, ‘s Zaid has far better qualities than the Putera MIC chief. Then again, with Samy Vellu still at the driver seat at MIC, one is not surprised.

Again, it is the question of getting quality representatives for the Hulu Selangor people and seriously, Zaid Ibrahim has a lead on this.

14 thoughts on “Politics 101: Hulu Selangor By-Election Poser Part 33 min read

  1. Why la you all like this.. making murukku very hard you know. 😉

    The Bagan Pinang folks voted BN the moment MIC gave them sarees and bags of rice. What’s gonna stop the Hulu Selangor folks from voting MIC as soon as they learn Zaid can’t make tasty murukku like Kamala?

    1. True enough – when my Mom asked me to help her to make murukkus during Deepavali – I realised it was quite tough. These days we just buy the ready-made ones. 😀

  2. As I have said many times before, BN has made many major mistakes since the last two general elections, and the people really showed them what they felt at the last general election by voting in the opposition. The coalition party (BN) has not redeemed itself yet and they do not even show that they are trying to! So, put anyone as their candidate, anyone, they will still lose the Hulu Selangor by-election. As for PKR, they have nominated a ‘loser’ and I am not too sure how he will perform. I would prefer people like Dr. Halili Rahmat as their candidate; as a local boy and one who is highly qualified, he’d fare much better and would probably even win it for PKR.

    1. Breaking news (Malaysiakini): Hulu Selangor PKR division treasurer Dr Halili Rahmat has announced his resignation from PKR, saying he intends to join Umno

      Is it because Rahmat disappointed for not getting the nominations from PKR to run in Hulu Selangor?

  3. Lol That’s hilarious.

    ” the most record attempt program was doing kolam at up of the KL tower”

    Oh, come f**king on. What crap are this guys talking. Do they really think Indian gangsters would wrap saree and start making kolam and murukkus just because Kamal Alan Nathan did it? I wonder what social ills can be reduced by this so called events. Damn, this guys are hilarious.

    1. Durai – I think the Putera MIC caught by surprise when their leader was nominated to stand for BN – having no other choice, one of them must have done a quick translation from old Rajinikanth movie 😀

  4. Okay, now that my good friend, Dr Halili Rahmat, has resigned from PKR and joined UMNO plus the withdrawal of the two independent candidates from contesting the parliamentary by-election at Hulu Selangor, my prediction has somewhat gone a bit haywire. Given the recent developments and seeing that they are more in favour of BN to win the contest, unless some moronic characters did something such as performing acts of sabotage, someone gets murdered? (maybe), or some other weird things happening, that can happen only in this country, everything points to a BN victory. However, the BN election machinery must not become complacent until the results are announced and they must not do anything stupid, which some BN members are capable of, because the victory can be taken away from right under the balls and the clitoris of all BN members and supporters at the last minute if they are not careful. Do not discount the local and foreign bomohs (a dozen came from Indonesia and one from Singapore who arrived last Friday) and the vodoo pratitioners who have come in droves from Haiti after their country was devastated by the recent 7 point something magnitude earthquake. The weighing machine is heavier on the side of the party that is employing the bigger numbers of these people. Who? We’ll see very soon!

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