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Driving Skills 101: Constant Parking Paranoia Crisis2 min read

Parking car lot driving

With more people having cars and too many selfish idiots who don’t think of others, getting the right spot is fast becoming more crucial too. Photo by Stephan Müller from Pexels

Call me paranoid but the last thing I want to do is to park my car somewhere far from the where I am having my dinner.

To recall back, I have lost count of giving amiss of good restaurants just because the nearby parking lots were full or far away or the available place simply looked too unsecured (read back lanes and dark alleys). Best restaurants end up as restaurants with good spaces rather than restaurants with good food.

So problematic of me!

And this usually does not go well with family and friends but then again, I do the same with temples and shopping malls. So, over time, they would have come accustomed to my peculiar preference of place of dining, worship or shopping.

The best, ideal situation would be where I can see my car directly from my dining table. So, if any suspicious characters start to linger near my car or if some idiot runs his car into mine, I could keep a close eye and act fast before my car is not broken into or before the idiot do a quick “hit and run”.

The next ideal situation would be where I park at secured, well-maintained parking lots (hotels mainly come top of the list although lots at shopping malls have a lot to be desired – well maintained but poorly secured).

And there is no other choice but to park my car far from the restaurant, I would leave the fate of my car in the hands of the Al-Mighty and have a rather restless dinner. It could be just me – worrying for nothing and being suspicious of everything.

2 thoughts on “Driving Skills 101: Constant Parking Paranoia Crisis2 min read

  1. The authority and developers need to improve the country’s infrastructure and services. We need better alternative public transportation system and services to mitigate this parking problems. more and more cars are sold and introduced into Malaysian roads and our roads are already ‘bursting at their seams’. Until these problems are looked into and rectified accordingly and properly, the problem will become worse.

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