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Blogging 101: Flashback Of Blogging in Year 201012 min read

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Welcome, everyone!

It was a good 2 days holidays but not for rest – there was plenty to do for my son and for the house. I am pretty sure that everyone has plenty of things to look out for this year (I just heard my buddies cheated death serious injuries in the first week of ).

2011 would be my 6th year of blogging (first at Blogger, now at WordPress)- could not believe that I held on for that long but wicked politicians from both end of the spectrum do provide enough motivations to continue writing. So, to kick off things, let’s look back and see how the blog has progressed in

January 2010

  • No thanks to an inconsiderate passenger, my laptop got damaged and caused my screen to turn to red
  • The fiasco with the word “Allah” put a huge dent in Najib’s 1Malaysia but there were other issues that was more important than fighting on who has the right on the name of God
  • Instead of dumping my old car and end up paying through the noses for monthly instalments (for already inflated car price in Malaysia), I decided to start my project Car” to get my old car back in shape
  • Someone complained on how our international airport being not so “user friendly” but I begged to differ. Any airport in the world would be unfriendly to passengers who don’t do their homework and who afraid to ask

February 2010

  • It was Godsend effort to get the oppositions in the country to be united against the arrogant BN but of all the 3, PAS looked more worthy for all Malaysians
  • We may have lost the state of Perak through trickery and obvious disregard to the constitution and rule of law but that should not keep the oppositions from getting ready to win back Perak with an even bigger margin
  • I missed riding in old public buses – something I cherished when I was still small (I could not believe to get the old photo of Srijaya bus on the net!)
  • Major updates to my car that restored it to almost showroom condition but there is still a lot of work to do to get it right and make it safer
  • My personal experience with hungry Malaysians during a wedding dinner – a hungry Malaysian is indeed a nasty Malaysian
  • There was an issue on whether Malaysians are getting quality, safe spare parts especially my personal experience with spare parts tells me that most of those who sell parts in small workshops in Malaysia are big-time crooks – it does not kill you but you waste a lot of money in the process

March 2010

  • Talking about getting the safer & quality parts from the carmaker themselves, Proton now has an online site to allow owners to purchase the genuine spare parts
  • Jamie Oliver knocked some sense to modern parents on teaching kids on eating the right food – high time we looked at this seriously with natural food getting “artificial” these days
  • A madman went on the rampage in a kindergarten and went after 3 young children – it proves that the devil does exist among humans
  • The movie that was made to a fraction of the cost, Hurt Locker went to knock Avatar off to win the Best Picture at the Oscars. It was a well-made movie (well, almost according to actual soldiers in the Middle East)
  • If you have a camera and you were at the right place and at the right time, you catch them in the act and post them online – that will help JPJ with the evidence they need to issue traffic summons
  • The case against Anwar Ibrahim started with Sodomy 2 but there were many who were unconvinced that the arguments to charge Anwar with the crime
  • Earth Hour 2010 descended on Malaysia again but the response this year was lukewarm. The understanding of the threats to the environment has not found a strong foothold among Malaysians and the authorities in 2010

April 2010

  • Najib came out with NEM that suppose to shoot Malaysia into a new level of the high capacity country. There were interesting points but many still doubted Najib having the will power to implement NEM in the first place
  • Start of my snippet posts – at least I don’t have to do long posts and be out of time with the breaking news of the day
  • The acid test for MIC and Najib’s 1Malaysia and the promise to deliver the seat for BN. Kamalanathan of MIC came in for BN and Zaid in for PR and both had arguments for and against but at end of the day, BN went on to win the seat.
  • Human rights commission in Malaysia – unfortunately, it lacked the bite to get the authorities to uphold the human rights in Malaysia. Hopefully, 2011 will be a better year for them
  • There is two ways to get the drivers on the road more disciplined – one is by the sudden change of attitude, which is not going to happen in a thousand years and another is by providing a stiffer punishment for lawbreakers. The Government made the wrong move by cancelling RM1,000 fine
  • The new US100 bristling with new technologies and hi-tech security features – certainly it brings the ordinary but most used currency in the world into a whole new level

May 2010

  • A policeman shoots a boy who ran away from the hit and runs and on a stolen car too but the politicians been harping on wrong side of the issue
  • My first trip to India and I was rock-shocked with the modern city of Chennai – it was not something I had in mind when I thought of the trip in the first place
  • So much money spent to promote a politician’s wife – one strong reminder that wastage and blatant corruption will still be prevalent with BN still behind the pilot’s seats
  • Bought me a cheap but feature-rich, Malaysian made phone but at the end, it proved that it was nothing but a waste of money. Malaysian technology companies still have a long way to go with the issue of quality and robustness (they have the right ideas and enough creativity but that does not take them far)
  • The PM decided to buy votes with promises of development and money – a clear violation of the election rules

June 2010

  • Idris Jala raised the concern on Government subsidies and how the country may end up bankrupt by 2019. It had valid points but the sad part was the Government itself did not know to curtail the blatant use of public funds for unnecessary projects. Often it squeezes the people’s pockets than it’s own.
  • The year 2010 saw one of the world largest oil spill – a reminder that the planet was heading to a bad ending when humans cared less for mother nature. That did not make big news in Malaysia though.
  • Some Malaysians being busybodies in other people’s backyard – frankly speaking, the Israelis armed forces should have arrested these buggers and throw them into the deep end of the dungeons – why? It is simply because we have been telling others to back off from our internal affairs
  • Foreigners are most welcomed in Malaysia but not when they end up as a menace and create nothing but trouble for others
  • I have been a die-hard fan of Goodyear tires from day 1 but Michelin Energy XM1 changed my mind
  • I decided to compile some of the posts that came in series into one consolidated page for easy reference and easy reading
  • There been talk of cutting down of subsidies and curtail of corruption but the escalating cost of the new palace remind all of us that there are people out there who think that public funds need not be managed prudently and is for their taking.

July 2010

  • Plenty of Malaysian drivers who give a damn on long outstanding traffic summons and yet the Government have not come hard on this stubborn road offenders
  • After a bad experience with an overcrowded car, I had to state my mind off on this matter but I don’t think it is going to change things further. I still get big size crowd waiting for my small-sized car.
  • World Cup comes to an end and surprisingly the favourites, Brazil and Argentina kicked out before the finals
  • Despite tainted with charges of corruption and public funds used to pay off bribes in name of commission, Malaysians were proud with the Navy’s new submarine but the Navy found themselves with a submarine that could not dive. That is very embarrassing indeed.
  • Some “fill-in-the-blanks” think that they can put their hands on public money saved from reduction of subsidies and used it for their personal mileage instead of channelizing back to the people
  • The world-famous football club Manchester United ended up as an element of the devil and anti-Islam by some religious zealots right here in Malaysia and they still wonder why in some part of the world, the religion has a very bad name with others
  • Sarawak Report piling up on the pressure with the alleged corruption blatant, untouchable Chief Minister in the East and it has opened the second front on the war against corruption
  • I love World War 2 movies and I did a take on the top 5 World War 2 movies that I have seen – some of them are simply classics!
  • What is the anti-corruption agency in Malaysia and how effective it has been to root out the corruption from all levels of administration in this country? Actually based on the current track record and number of big fish caught, it has been nothing but shameful or we yet to see the best of them?

August 2010

  • I met an African who was flying over to Malaysia for a certificate in English and had all elements of deceit and fraud all over him – why fly to Malaysia when it is cheaper and better to get the same certificate from a nearby country?
  • After 3Idiots, this has to be one of the best, well made, logical Hindi movie made in recent years. It should be the framework on how businesses should be run and how they can close deals.
  • Not enough with stubborn road offenders, now we have stubborn and shortsighted opposition politicians who think that higher penalty for road offence is not fair but not fair to who? Law-abiding road users or stubborn, hardcore traffic offenders?
  • The endless portrayal of one segment of race in Malaysia as the bogeyman by politicians who have hidden agendas, not a big surprise in the so-called 1Malaysia Malaysia. The slaying of the bogeyman would actually start when we slay race-based political parties
  • More trouble in the East – certainly something is wrong in the East and despite overwhelming reports of corruption, MACC remains unmoved and silent.

September 2010

  • I got holes in my pocket when a mysterious SMS started to crop up – paid good money for blood-sucking SMSes.
  • Well known Tamil movie actor, Murali and a well-known singer, Swarna Latha passed away in 2010
  • Despite the threat of higher summons and that offending traffic, users would be closely watched, there were still plenty of stubborn road offenders caught on camera – when they will ever learn?
  • An interesting fact on how strong we are attached to the Internet and what happens if we need to reboot the internet
  • 29th September 2010 was declared as World Rabies Day

October 2010

  • I bought some new books for my bookshelf
  • After an almost 4 years away from open-source OS, I went back to Ubuntu Linux and I was impressed with the latest version
  • The year would not be complete without some news on unfair toll and compensations, Malaysians are still paying high to use highways either through toll collections or through compensations
  • A tale of 2 restaurants and how a difference in service and quality makes a big difference
  • It was a revolution in Malaysia – one member – one vote but by the time this was implemented by PKR, it was quite clear that PKR was not ready with the logistics and the outcome was tragic – its name got tarnished to the core and PKR lost some good men.

November 2010

  • One of the biggest, most expensive and anticipated Tamil movies of the year, Enthiran ended as a big disappointment when it came to the storyline. We have learned our lessons – we probably give Shankar’s next movie a big miss unless he improves on the storyline
  • This was from TED on a new way to teach kids Maths and I was impressed by how we need to change our ways of teaching and learning. TED keeps coming up with a new way of looking at things in a current world scenario
  • Another update to the project “Car”, I added the Ultra Racing rear anti-roll bar and my car flies without a sweat on corners
  • Danger whilst on the road does not come from other motorists but also from pedestrians namely low intelligence factory workers
  • I did not expect it but 2010 was the year I went “Kojak” and I felt quite good about it although the slow growth of my hair is making me worried a bit

December 2010

  • One of the coolest sight on the highway for a very long time but at some parts, some of them was reckless which brought arguments for and against by the club members
  • 2010 could have been the year where I killed a pesky motorcyclist but I managed to keep a cool head and avoid them in time for my own best interest (I have done so much for the car that I did not risk any major damages)
  • Astro is finally more secured but key services are still not up yet
  • History should be a fact of what had happened in the past but in Malaysia, there is claims of distortion and mistakes in the history books
  • One of stupidest thing done by the Opposition todate – banning 1Malaysia despite being used for many years now
  • Best closure for the year Malaysian football winning the AFF Suzuki Cup

Hope 2011 will be a better year…for the people and the country, not for the politicians

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