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Clean Elections 101: Is PM Talking Cock?

election cock talking PM language

(With elections around the corner, expect more incidents of talking cock to be sprouting out from the foamy mouth of the many half-past-six politicians around the country and on a more regular basis too. Image source:

In Malaysia, I think we have come to a point where we can take in usual talk cock from the politicians in this country on a regular basis but when it comes to the Prime Minister himself talking cock and even though you may say that you have seen it all, heard it all, you should know that at this level, even talking cock has its limit

Datuk Seri Najib Razak today pledged to give more freedom to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) in the appointment of its officers if Barisan Nasional (BN) wins two-thirds control of Parliament in the next general election.


I do not know what kind of “super-powers” that the BN Government intends to empower MACC in the future – perhaps that all-important power to prosecute, I don’t know but why wait until the next general elections?

Isn’t BN already running the show at the Federal level and despite oppositions and MP walking out, have easily passed two suppressive laws in recent times? I am sure that if the BN Government is empowering MACC with enough powers to hang those who commit corruption up on a high pole, Pakatan politicians and the rakyat would be very supportive as well.

There is really no need for two-thirds control of the Parliament and no need to wait for the general elections (unless it is going to enact laws that make obvious incidents like NFC untouchable to anyone).

Voters are not dungus and they don’t like to be taken for a ride – it is easy to see clearly when one is talking cock – loud and clear

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