Sometimes when you read the headlines and on the state of the nation, don’t you feel like looking down in sheer frustration and then look up and say a silent prayer? Image source: Inc.
Yes, no doubt there other positive things to look out for – a roof over your head, good health, lovable family and friends, good job with enough pay to take care of your family and live rather comfortably. But once you take a look at the larger picture and knowing the small things that is happening far from your comfort zone is going to come back you hard, it becomes simply frustrating.
From the rising crime, the release of the policemen who been charged with the killing of the Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu, the recycling and appointment of the same old tainted & corrupted politicians into the key positions of the Government again and again and again, the continued abuse of taxpayers money (the Government obsession with consultants seems to be running high and dry) and the manipulation the notion of race and religion for dubious reasons.
But that is not this post is about – let’s talk about something else and it came to me last night.
I was watching TV last night and out of the many channels in my room, nothing seems to catch my attention. The Fox channel was showing Will Smith‘s I, Robot again for like 500th time. As I was scrolling up and down through the channels (stopping momentarily at the local channels), one looked interesting – it was about a group of rockers auditioning in front of the judges over some Korean Pop Channel.
The rockers were quite crude and through their song (self composed one) style (they had long hair and leather jackets), their performance was rather so-so (in my opinion) and the judges were laughing all the way. One judge failed them but the rockers managed to scrap through as the other judges thought that the rockers had hope and passed them. Even the rockers were surprised and could not believe that they made it – they were quite hilarious.
Not the next group that came for audition – it brought tears to my eyes.
Five of them and all of them were close friends and fathers with small kids. All were professional background musicians playing for lead bands and singers on contract basis. They do not seem to be highly paid musicians. They dress casually and could just be the guy next door. They are quite close to their kids who in turn hold their fathers as heroes and better than anyone. But they have aged (in their early forties) and they no longer find enough work to support themselves and their families even though they all were extremely talented.
One of them, the pianist who was playing for a young singer said that he was fired from his work without any notice as the singer only wanted younger musicians (perhaps to better portray the singer’s youthful image). Out of work and with a family to feed, he was at his lowest point of life and wanted to kill himself so that his family could gain from the insurance money.
Somehow he changed his mind. And he heard about the talent show on TV, he and his musician buddies then decided go for the talent show and hope to win – a chance to change their life for better.
They walked in and as they take their place with their music instruments, one of the judges recognize them and asked why they are here. After all, they were all professional musicians. The pianist explains that this is the way they hope to put food on the table for their family. They then start to perform and the title of the song was rightfully called “Papa, Don’t Cry” and the performance was really excellent (ya, much better than the earlier rockers).
I don’t understand Korean but due to the lyrics which had something very meaningful or perhaps due to very emotional performance by the struggling fathers, at least 2 judges in their tears. One immediately said yes whilst another abstained. The last judge said something was not right with their performance but before he delivers his verdict, the camera shot changed and was on the families of the band who have been waiting anxiously outside the audition room, some of their kids were even praying for the best.
We are not shown on the final outcome of the judge’s verdict. The judge who said the negative comments suddenly walks out and looked “surprised” at the sight of the families outside. When they surrounded him and asked him on what had happened to the band, the judge keeps his silent and then out comes the men shouting, they have been picked to go on to the next level. The family members were in tears too. And that was inspiring and very moving.

Isn’t it just amazing, when things are looking bleak and hopeless, some inspiring story would come along and will inspire you not to lose hope and keep at it and things will change? Similarly there is hope for the country yet. Remember of all the nonsense that the politicians doing now and remember it well and when the next general elections comes, you will know what to do. In the meantime, keep your heads high and look out for the big break that surely will come.
Have a good week ahead…