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February 2015

Personal 101: Off To A Funeral Down South

Another , this time down south in JB…


(No matter what, Malaysia remains where my heart and soul lies at the end of the day. And nothing kicks starts the notion than on the national carrier whilst having hot delicious nasi lemak for company)

Somehow it was great to fly back on – for a couple of things.

One, it was good to hear safety announcements in Bahasa Malaysia again. Two, they served nasi lemak for lunch which was a sure sign that we are heading back home. And one of the first things that I did once I am back home was to catch up on my sleep. I could not help it – I even doze off whilst I was having conversations. Having a weekend and then thereafter the CNY holidays was just perfect to catch up on a break.

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Overseas Assignments 101: When 1 is On A Critical Mission Overseas


(My favourite shot – taken when I am at the departure gate, coming back home. It also means the mission completed successfully and I have 1 less thing to worry about once I am back)

Hold on for a second whilst I l take a moment to dust off the dust from this blog.

Damn, is that been that long since we last met?

Read More »Overseas Assignments 101: When 1 is On A Critical Mission Overseas