Are we on target to visit the Red Planet? Given the state of the country as at now, you can safely say that when we celebrate the year 2020, this country would not have achieved the status of a “developed country”. So Dr M’s Vision 2020 will remain a vision and will not become a reality, at least in 2020.
For one, religion had taken precedent in key areas of the country and have caused a mismatch of priorities. Instead of us busy with human resource development and preparing the country for a “developed” status, we are busy on which law to use and how holy or religious one must be.
And I saw this in play when I went to a shopping complex one fine day and decided to drop by a bookstore as my son wanted to buy a science book. We walked around and realised that there were more books on religion than on science and mathematics. I was hardly surprised – there were more people at the religion book section than at the science & mathematics book section.
Read these as well:-
- Direction of a Nation 3
- Moving Forward with Science and English
- Oh Dear! Darwin Banned in Malaysia
Vision 2020 is also doomed to be nothing but fancy slogan because we still place high importance on racially-based policies (we still calling ourselves as Malay, Chinese, Indian, etc instead of Malaysian) and on cheap politics. But come the year 2020, all is not all lost though. The year 2020 would mark the start of activities that would eventually place humans on the red planet by the year 2026.
Imagine a human colony on another planet and we don’t have to look another 100 – 200 years for that. We will see that in the next 10 years and it is very exciting news indeed. The company that is taking the exploration one step ahead is Mars One – is a non-profit organization based in the Netherlands that has put forward plans to land the first humans on the Red Planet and establish a permanent human colony there by 2027.
(It may not look much now but imagine a lot more people on the surface and with high-end technology which allows them to come back to the Earth and back to Mars again? Image source: Mars One)
It may sound far fetched at first and Mars One has been on the receiving end of many as nothing but a scam. Some even question the USD6 billion budget of sending humans to Red Planet but remember India sent its spacecraft to the Red Planet for mere USD73 million. But think of the feasibility. Think of the possibility.
Mars One lists out the mission feasibility of a human colony in Red Planet in the following manner:-
The Mars One crews consist of people that want to settle on Mars. Absence of a return mission reduces the mission infrastructure radically. No return vehicle, return propellant or the systems to produce the propellant locally are required. Permanent settlement also reduces the required technology development; vehicles that can take off from Mars and return to Earth are currently unavailable and untested.
Since the vehicle returning to Earth and the accompanying systems are mission critical for a return mission, they will also require backups adding to the infrastructure that needs to be delivered to Mars. More importantly, to attain a somewhat acceptable risk level, the return mission would need to be tested in a complete unmanned return trip before the first crew even departs the Earth.
Even after a full test of the return system is successfully performed, the risk for a crew that will ride the first return rocket would be very high: 126 rockets launched from Earth since 1990 failed to deliver their payloads in the correct orbit.
Permanent settlement also solved the challenge of the astronauts entering into Earth’s atmosphere after having spent about two years in reduced or zero gravity environments.
Use of In-Situ resources
Mars has resources that can be used for a sustainable settlement. Water is present in the soil and can be made available to the settlement for hygiene, drinking, and farming. It is also the source of oxygen generated through electrolysis. Nitrogen and Argon in the Martian atmosphere can be mined to be the inert part of the atmosphere inside the habitat.
Martian soil will cover the outpost to block cosmic radiation. Carbon dioxide can be taken from the atmosphere if the plants take in more than the humans expel.
The systems to mine water from the soil and to mine Nitrogen, Argon, and Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere have never been tested in space. Mars is however not space because there is gravity and a thin atmosphere. Additionally, the processes are all more than 100 years old. The water can be collected from the soil by breaking up the soil with a drill and harvesting the resulting debris.
Argon and Nitrogen can be collected from the atmosphere by removing the Carbon dioxide through a phase change.
Solar panels
The Sun is a reliable, robust, and plentiful energy source. Using solar panels is the best choice for Mars One since it takes away the requirement to develop and launch a nuclear reactor, thereby saving time and money while avoiding the risks and concerns of the use of a nuclear power source.
Thin film solar (photo-voltaic) panels will power the Mars One settlement. These are less efficient than those more commonly used in aerospace, but have the advantage of being extremely light, and are thus easily transportable. The first settlement will install approximately 3000 square meters of power generating surface area.
Existing technology
No new major developments or inventions are needed to make the mission plan a reality. Established suppliers can build each stage of Mars One mission plan. While most of the components required are not immediately available with the exact specifications, there is no need for radical modifications to the current component designs.
Every effort was made to design the mission with as little complexity as possible. The choice to send permanent settlers removes the need for a heavy lift launch vehicle, which does not currently exist. Permanent settlement makes the landing module small enough to land with current technology. A pressurized rover will not be sent to Mars until large enough rockets exists.
No water recycling in the transit habitat will be present because the trip to Mars takes only 210 days. Instead, all required water is stored in tanks that also function as radiation shielding. Storage of waste that is not easily recycled is available in the settlement until more technology is available.
And just look at the number of people who showed interest in the Mars One project:-
Mars One applicants come from over 140 countries; the largest numbers are from the United States (24%), India (10%), China (6%), Brazil (5%), Great Britain (4%), Canada (4%), Russia (4%), Mexico (4%), Philippines (2%), Spain (2%), Colombia (2%), Argentina (2%), Australia (1%), France (1%), Turkey (1%), Chile (1%), Ukraine (1%), Peru (1%), Germany (1%), Italy (1%) and Poland (1%).
The first 3 nations are well known for their eagerness and competition in space exploration. Out of the three, US and India already have rovers and space crafts orbiting Mars. And I am pretty sure the Chinese will do so soon as well although these guys are busy exploring the moon (hmmm, they know something we don’t?).
And Malaysia is involved in Mars One in 2 areas – our own Angkasawan, Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor is an ambassador for Mars One and three brave explorers from Malaysia including a woman.
(It’s only cost USD70 million to launch a spacecraft to the Red Planet. Trim down the money spent on wars, religious conflict and corruption and you can send hundreds of the spacecraft to many parts of the solar system. Image source: NASA)
Mars One is a one way trip to the Red Planet as there is no way (presently) to bring the space explorer back. The Red Planet environment is harsh and there is no guarantee, despite the mission feasibility, that the colony will succeed, especially when the next human civilization is a million kilometres away (230,000,000 km to be exact) and in case of emergency, one cannot simply dial-up 999 and ask for help. Rescue mission to the Red Planet if it is to be done will take months to prepare and execute and by then, any rescue mission would have been redundant.
Mars One itself can go bankrupt and may not be able to bring the next set of explorers to add to the colony. Anything can happen. After all, it took a lot of research, time, risk and money to send a man to the moon, so what more another planet like the Red Planet and that too for one-way trip.
But there are good reasons to make this trip to the Red Planet, namely:-
To give our kids new Hope, careers and Dreams — beyond merely surviving in a world of growing terrorism, more “police state” responses, with increasing resource and energy scarcity ultimately leading to endless global wars
By finally opening up unlimited solar system resources — be it exotic fuels, new planetary minerals or endless solar energy – dramatically alter the “have not” competition between the First and Third Worlds here on Earth … the ultimate source of increasing global terrorism
By greatly accelerating these radical technologies — from “black” energy systems and propulsion to autonomous robotics, from desktop “super computers” to their ultra-broad band communications (essential to conducting “routine operations” on the Moon and Beyond) – dramatically accelerate overall national and global productivity, with startling increases in GNP and GWP
By federally subsidizing the creation of a whole new generation of consumer industries — through pioneering a literal “Second age of Space” — dramatically increase the historical “return on investment” from past NASA spending … from 23 to one to more than 100-to-one; thus, for every billion dollars invested in this New Space Program, over a hundred billion will return to the national and world economy
By finally providing accessible new sources of raw materials and energy “off planet,” processed in lunar and orbital industrial facilities, naturally reverse over a century of planetary degradation and pollution … including global warming
By accelerating fundamental solar system exploration with human beings, return equally fundamental, radical scientific information – ranging from comparative planetary data which will assist preservation of the Earth’s environment through new space installations, to answers to the origin of the human race itself
Yes, money and human resource are important but aren’t we been busy wasting them on wars, corruption and wastage as well. Save up on those and you will plenty for the scientific exploration, I am sure.
Many of us, including myself, are from the generation that grew with science fiction movies like Star Wars and Star Trek.
Still, remember ” to boldly go where no man has gone before”? It is in our nature to explore and find new worlds and the more we explore, the more we will push the boundaries of technology, science and human endeavour. And there is the prospect of rich natural resources that could be mined for humans (there was even plan to start a mining colony in the moon).
For those reasons alone, Mars One mission should succeed.
1. Science does not make people moral. Religion doesnt necessarily, but tends more often than not.
2. At what point is science pointless? I dont see the need to colonize the universe with our species and live forever. Let people live and die.