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Blogging 101: News Snippets As At 15 May 20156 min read

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(News snippet – It is indeed a tragedy when an infant dies due to another road user who cared less of the safety of others but other than feeling sad & saying our condolences, what we are doing to ensure another person does not die in the same manner? Image source: the Net)

Snippet 1 – Mother’s Day Celebrations

A couple of days ago, we celebrated Mother’s Day in a big way, thanks to my cousin who organised it. We grouped all the “Moms” to a corner and had the oldest – my grandmother (my mom’s mom) to cut the cake. It was memorable to see the grand lady leading the pack of moms in the celebration.

And whilst the ladies had their own activities, the guys had their own – drinking cold ice beer whilst catching up on the latest news on work, economy, politics, travel and on other times we had been drinking. It was something that I missed in recent times especially when everyone been so busy with their own family and work.

I lost count of the cans of beer that I had but it was one of the few nights that I really had a good night sleep. And I did not have any hang-overs in the morning as well. I felt very fresh and was all ready to go to work.

Snippet 2 – Indirect Bailout for IMDB

And I think everyone deserves a good night sleep with the confidence that the country is in safe hands. Unfortunately, it is not. The truth is the country is in a big bloody mess and we have a Prime Minister who is not only clueless but also thinks that a few shows of support from his usual ball carriers mean the whole country is squarely behind him.

There was a big hoo-ha when Tabung Haji bought over the ‘s land for a value that is much higher than what 1MDB paid for. But that is still fine, property price over time and with improvements made on the land, the price may have appreciated. But that is not why people got pissed off in the first place.

The real reason why people got pissed off was the fact that the people who were involved denied it at first until the evidence started to appear on the internet. Have they forgotten, these days, information flies faster than the speed of sound and all information is available at one’s fingertips.

Anyway, as I had said, the country is in a big bloody mess and politicians are still trying to hide the crap under the carpet. And one is going to indulge the many reporting on 1MDB recently, it is going to be a never-ending story.

And despite the reporting and promises to “get to the bottom” of it, no one been caught and brought in for questioning. Even the fat guy is less worried and is on a shopping spree (hopefully with his own personal money)

Snippet 3 – Tamil Schools Leading the Pack

One just hope that my fellow Malaysian will still remember this when it comes to the next general election. No matter what kind of “I help you, you help me” promise of better roads, sacks of rice, new schools, donations, new bridge or new houses pledged, it should be the last time that we want to allow something similar to happen again. It will take probably years to clean up the current mess.

Let come back on something that worth a good read and in a way inspirational – thanks to this post:-

At the primary school level, up to UPSR, the Tamil schools are scoring the highest grades for and . They are even beating the Chinese schools. They have left the sekolah kebangsaan behind. (Sekolah agama, sekolah pondok semua tak payah sebut lah ok.)

And now the Tamil schools are getting into the top league in the UPSR exams. As an example, for 2014 the SRJK (Tamil) Taman Tun Aminah in Johor Bharu produced the best UPSR results in Malaysia. 43 students scored straight 7-A’s and another 43 students scored 7-B’s. Another Tamil school in Johor the SRJKT Masai has also been hitting the big leagues in the UPSR.


Whilst I admire and respect the good people behind ASTI (they are doing the right things at the right time), the fact is there is still an imbalance of how we educate our kids as a whole.

Tamil schools despite their shortcomings in terms of logistics and space are doing well due to their teachers and school administrators. And I am sure every type of schools have their own elite accomplishments and directions.

For that, I salute them. It is not easy to achieve those things when your hands are tied. But in the end, it does not and will never represent unity. We are still segregating kids by the race, language and perhaps how much money their parents have in their pockets.

Snippet 4 – Phobia to Science & Maths

Of course, politicians and national policies play a big role here. But they can only do so much. The other one third need to come from the schools & teachers themselves (as how the Tamil schools have been doing remarkably) whilst the remaining one third is from the parents.

Failed to do your duties in any one of them and you will end up with a kid that weak in the command of the language (the one and only English) and subjects that matter most in the new millennium- Science and Mathematics.

No idiot is going to allow you to fly to Mars based on your qualifications in religion (we already having weird revelations in that area). We need more rational and scientific thinkers in our society.

Snippet 5 – Stupidity Caused Deaths on Road

Then we had the tragic incident of the 2 MYVI drivers who have been “allegedly” racing and ended up causing an accident that killed an infant and her two parents.

Whilst the MYVI driver have been hauled up for investigations and will probably be charged for causing death from reckless and dangerous driving which may see the driver jailed between two and 10 years, and be fined between RM5,000 and RM20,000 if found guilty, here’s the sickening part of the whole affair – there is no effective way of booking the drivers who speed on the road.

Still, remember the bunch of morons from the opposition who made so much noise that the Government decided to hold back the wider implementation of AES? The end result of this – death of an infant.

And if the Government promises better enforcement (as they usually do whenever they have dead bodies on the road), save the trouble – it is not going to happen. They have been saying the same thing on the express buses and motorcyclists without helmet & license but nothing has changed so drastically.

We need to cut to the chase and implement measures that will see stricter enforcement of the traffic laws and stick on the implementation even if there are unreasonable “noises” questioning the need for such measures. We need to make Malaysian roads safer than ever.

After all, aren’t we among the top 25 most dangerous countries in the world for road users. It is something we should not be proud of.

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