Economy 101
Anything to do with economy, budget, taxpayers money and trade
Taxpayer’s Money: More Outraged "Goodies" in 2014
(To be fair, one’s voting rights cannot be questioned by anyone but there must be a break point somewhere on how much of the abuse and wastage of taxpayer’s money that a Government that has been in power for so long can be allowed to continue. And seeing on how all that sweet talk and endless promises of cost reduction during the election campaign simply disappeared within months from the election, hopefully people had wise up and will take things with a pinch of salt in the next election?… [Click to read the rest] “Taxpayer’s Money: More Outraged "Goodies" in 2014”
Cost of Living 101: Ice Ice Baby, Dummy!
Another good news for the die-hard BN supporters to rejoice for the coming new year – RM0.50 increase per bag and RM2.50 per block cost by the edible ice suppliers and you can bet your bottom ringgit that the restaurant and food stalls will put in their own increase on top of increase for sugar price for your iced drink.
Reason for the increase?
The notice mentions increase in other costs like electricity tariff, increase of diesel price, implementation of the “minimum wage ruling”, increase of salary, increase of raw materials and interestingly, improvement of food safety – now that is very scary!
Cost of Living 101: Another Petrol Price Hike…
(What we see whenever the Government increase the price of essentials like petrol and ask the taxpayers to change their lifestyle – a burden that we are willing to share provided the Government does the same. Image source:
I have been quite busy with work this week and the recent news from tanahair did not sound that good too. From the massive water disruption in the Klang Valley on Merdeka Day to the petrol hike from the BN Government and to my son have a bad cough for the last few days.
Governance 101: Wasteful & Short-Sighted Again
(In the Global Competitiveness Report 2010–2011, Malaysia ranks 25 out of 139 countries where public spending & governance is somewhat better managed than the rest but then again, if one reads deeper into the report, Malaysia’s ranking is only 4.2 out of the full 7 on the mark. We are no where close to our neighbour down south who ranks at the top at 6.1 despite their limited natural resources, human resource and living space)
Out of Modern Times: Dr M and Race Based Politics
(Countdown – 326 days to “doomsday”)
Read These First
(Race based policies are as just as bad and cruel as open segregation of society and citizens based on the colour of their skin seen here in an early 1930s photo. Image source:
Read More »Out of Modern Times: Dr M and Race Based Politics
Budget 101: No Worries, The Friendly Ah Long Is Here
(How many of us keep a budget and then spend more than we earn and ended up borrowing from Ah Long aka loan sharks? It is not too late to learn the fine art of financial planning – keeping budget, ensuring that our income is enough to cover the expenses, keeping up saving for rainy days and when hard days are in, to learn to cut down on unnecessary expenses and tighten our belts)
Read More »Budget 101: No Worries, The Friendly Ah Long Is Here
Economy 101: Kiasu Noises from Singaporeans On Fuel Price
(It is a mystery when Singaporeans make noise on the price of RON95 fuel when it is still cheaper for them to buy the more expensive RON97 fuel. Image source: SVmongk, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons)
Read More »Economy 101: Kiasu Noises from Singaporeans On Fuel Price
Economy 101: Little Effect of Taxpayer Money On Fancy Projects
(We don’t have money falling out from the sky for very personal whims and fancy projects – a fact some in Malaysia have yet to realize. Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels)
No end for short-sighted, money-wasting people in Malaysia.
Read More »Economy 101: Little Effect of Taxpayer Money On Fancy Projects
Economy 101: The Small RM0.05 Increase Of Essential Good Price
(The very little money that we earn should be spent only on the essential items but their prices must be reasonable. The same goes for the Government who has access to limited taxpayers money. It should be spent on development and not on some fancy projects or subsidies. Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels)
Read More »Economy 101: The Small RM0.05 Increase Of Essential Good Price
Malaysia 101: When Taxpayers’ Money Hits The Palace’s Fan
(The old palace is already looking majestic and we have already spent millions on it but we went ahead to construct a new palace. We end up looking like dungus but what the heck, we been in that situation before. The new palace looks good on paper but the volume of abuse and mismanagement of funds to build it makes the whole affair end up looking too ugly. Image source: Tok Ey Ai)
Read More »Malaysia 101: When Taxpayers’ Money Hits The Palace’s Fan
Economy 101: What Is Interesting In 10th Malaysia Plan (10MP)?
(The problem with Najib is not his ideas in his 10MP but his willpower and having the right character to make the actual change. After the stunt, he pulled off in Perak, who is going to believe what he says? Image source: Bloomberg)
Read More »Economy 101: What Is Interesting In 10th Malaysia Plan (10MP)?