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Health 101: Understanding Ancient Ayurvedic’s 3 Main Doshas

Ayurvedic Health Dosha Hindu Balance

It is not limited to just the science of Ayurvedic, the key point of everything in this life is to have a good balance in everything we do, say and eat and we have seen this from our lifestyles, diet and even how we manage ourselves. This is not something new and in different aspect of health, balance Image source: Taste For Life.

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Special Projects 101: Part 1: New Car Makeover 2021 – Suspensions

car makeover Proton suspension 2021

Image of the leftover suspension parts changed after they had collected all the old parts and replaced it with brand new original parts. The decision to change all in one go is to save cost and time before it breaks down.

This will be Part 1 of the car makeover project but please expect this series to take some time to complete considering the budget and progress of work in this pandemic. The makeover project actually started back in the last quarter of 2020 and not because I planned for it but it was the other around.

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Governance 101: Wasteful & Short-Sighted Again


(In the Global Competitiveness Report 2010–2011, Malaysia ranks 25 out of 139 countries where public spending & governance is somewhat better managed than the rest but then again, if one reads deeper into the report, Malaysia’s ranking is only 4.2 out of the full 7 on the mark. We are no where close to our neighbour down south who ranks at the top at 6.1 despite their limited natural resources, human resource and living space)

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