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Malaysia 101: Disgraced Ex-Prime Minister, Najib Razak Sent To Prison

Najib Razak SRC Police Prison

It is rather historical to see , at one time one of the most powerful men in the country escorted away to after a long, delayed and tiring case that started back in 2018. It is a feeling considering that there is no precedent to see an ex- found guilty and imprisoned for acts. Image source: NST.

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World News 101: All About FinCEN Leaked Files

FinCEN US Banking Banks

Everyone reports information to and this includes from unlikely countries like China. Bank transactions leave a trail of paperwork and footprints and this is how some get caught. Image source: International Consortium of Investigative Journalists

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National Security 101: Extradition Of Criminals Internationally

Extradition Hong Kong China Malaysia Law Indira Gandhi Muhammad Riduan Abdullah

There was a major protest on the laws that legislation intends to pass which will make it possible to send suspects to mainland China for trial. It was eventually withdrawn after months-long of protests from the citizens. Image source: Australian Institute of International Affairs.

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Being a Mean, Angry Hulk in 2016!


(One of the best scene from the Avengers – Hulk vs a God and guess who won. I watched this scene probably hundred times and I never got bored with it. Image source:

It was “bang” leaving 2015 – we all watched the new Star Wars movie and we all loved it from the start to the end.

But ever since the start of a “new” year, hardly been a time when I was not in an “angry” mode. Don’t get me wrong – I am not angry with anyone in particular but now schools have started and parents rushing to send their kids to school and then rush to work, way too many idiots have sprout out and had made things worse.

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Crime 101: RM2.6 Billion: It’s the DAP & the Jews, Damn It!!!

DAP 1MDB Jew Mahathir Najib

(Bullshit!!!! The Old Man’s reaction when he heard that some mysterious donors from the Middle East had donated some USD700 million (RM2.6 billion ringgit) into Najib’s personal account and the reason for the donation had been spiraling down into realms of stupidity and absurd. Poster source: Suara Rakyat)

One way or another, I was expecting someone to pull in the Jews into the picture. Doesn’t it been the case whenever things gets screwed big time. I was right and this time they included DAP for the ride as well.

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Malaysia 101: Dr Mahathir – Democracy in Malaysia is Dead


More interesting things, especially on democracy and , are taking place on social media and on late nights when I do have the time, I usually spent it surfing through Facebook instead of writing a post for the blog. Another is that I have gone “back to school” and I managed to get one of the certificates that I targeted to get this year. Unfortunately, it is just a start and I have another target to meet in the next few months. So, it is back to doing revisions and the dreaded homework in the coming months. Image: Pinterest

And times are tough and times are not right for one to simply sit back and take things easy. Work too has been piling up over the last few months and the expectations from both in and out of the organisation have been very, very demanding.

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Blogging 101: News Snippets As At 15 May 2015

automated snippet

( snippet – It is indeed a tragedy when an infant dies due to another road user who cared less of the safety of others but other than feeling sad & saying our condolences, what we are doing to ensure another person does not die in the same manner? Image source: the Net)

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General 101: Yup, It’s Getting Weirder & Dumb


(Some things are not like the way like to park their cars, it is just a result of people not taking the time and care to do the right things)

It is getting weird, it must be the insane weather, I am very sure – it has been raining cats & dogs for past weeks and yet it feels like one is sitting in a sauna at night. My daughter fared worse, despite having 2 fans and occasionally the air-conditioner switched on, she was sweating like she had just done a 10 km marathon.

Or perhaps it is something we have been drinking (or sniffing), I don’t know. Perhaps it was due to our overzealous with being the righteous one that some of us can see the end is near. Whatever the reason maybe, things are just getting weirder in this country.

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Land of Dumb & Dumber


(Never mind the movie, it seems like there are way too many of dumb in this country. Image source: The Net)

It was rather “funny” to hear the old man to say this:-

“Malaysians are stupid. They don’t know how to manage aviation,” Dr Mahathir was quoted by portal Malaysiakini as saying in comments over Christoph Mueller’s appointment as chief executive officer-designate of Airlines Bhd (MAS NewCo).

Those responsible for the losses of the ailing national carrier were now trying to make things right, he said.


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Malaysia: How to Win 2018 General Elections?


(Are these politicians qualify as suitable candidates for winning the elections? Image source:

I have been away from the country on work assignment but hardly a day passes by without me checking into the latest happenings in the country.

gangs have now turned to grenades for turf war in Bukit Bintang and at least 1 innocent person have been killed. A politician who earns more than RM21,000 comes around and says that as a Member of , he had to make do with insufficient (he had to “ikat perut“) and even complained that MPs in Uganda are paid twice and this comment came after Najib decided to reduce the petrol subsidies causes the petrol price to go up 20 cents.

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