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Military 101: Malaysian and ASEAN Powerful Armoured Personnel Carriers

Sibmas APC military intrusion Armoured Personnel Carriers

The now retired SIBMAS 6×6 stands as the premier wheel-based armoured personnel carrier (APC) of its time, though it now shows signs of aging. Remarkably, the Malaysian Armed Forces procured 186 units in the 1980s, making a significant investment based on a prototype model that had yet to be tested in combat. Image source: Wikipedia.

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National Security 2020: Using Military Asset To Keep One Eye On Intrusions

RMN frigate military intrusion

When it comes to guarding the illegal refugees, illegal fishermen and terrorists from intrusions of the borders of this nation, one can say that the Malaysian military such as RMN has been done rather quite well. Of course, there are some shortcomings in the form of coordination enforcement and equipment that need to be fine-tuned. Image source: Wikipedia

Read More »National Security 2020: Using Military Asset To Keep One Eye On Intrusions