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Economic Stability

Finance 101: Understanding Malaysia’s Employees Provident Fund (EPF): History, Withdrawal Options, and Key Differences

Employees Provident Fund EPF KWSP Economy Money

The mid-20th century, particularly the period following World War II, witnessed a significant surge in the establishment of comprehensive (EPF) systems across the globe. Several key factors drove this. The devastation of the war underscored the need for stronger social safety nets, including provisions for income. Governments, eager to rebuild their economies and foster social stability, recognized the importance of providing workers with financial security. Image source: NSTRead More »Finance 101: Understanding Malaysia’s Employees Provident Fund (EPF): History, Withdrawal Options, and Key Differences

Budget 2023: Why We Are Not Addressing Financial Leakages & Wastages?

National Budget Malaysia Economy Deficit

always had a deficit national where The Government had always spent more than what it can collect except for the so-called golden years between 1993 to 1997 when the budget recorded a surplus and also low deficit budgets in between. Image source: Trading Economics.

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Vision 2020: Within our Sight & Destiny?


(Are we on path to achieve ? The Old Man’s war path with the current Prime Minister, Najib may wins the support from a good number of Malaysians who simply tired with the “wayang kulit” in the issue of 1MDB but then again, didn’t the Old Man had his hands in allowing the seeds of , and misdirection of priorities to take hold when he was the PM for 22 years? Food for thought. Image source: Jebat Must Die)

I have mentioned this in several of my blog posts that it is going impossible for us to achieve the developed nation status by year 2020 but when it comes from the horse’s mouth, it does sound pretty serious, doesn’t it?

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