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Military 101: New Dedicated Maritime Patrol Craft, ATR-72MP Leonardo

RMAF TUDM CN-235 Transport Military Maritime Patrol

Any country that has a vast shoreline to patrol like Malaysia should have a large fleet of dedicated medium and long-range maritime patrol aircraft that is capable of performing hours of patrolling and can perform secondary missions like search & rescue and anti-submarine warfare. Presently this role is being taken with some modifications by the Indonesia-made CN-235 transport plane. Image source: Wikipedia.

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Mandatory Quarantine 2020: Part 1 – The Long, Tiring Transit in Changi Singapore

transit holding area changi singapore airport

(The “Transit Holding Area” at Changi Airport in Singapore is huge, spacious and well equipped. If your transit time is short, this will be an ideal place to catch your breath and get a quick rest before your flight. However, if your transit time is long, this is not a good place to catch your sleep and rest)

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Overseas Assignments 101: When 1 is On A Critical Mission Overseas


(My favourite shot – taken when I am at the departure gate, coming back home. It also means the mission completed successfully and I have 1 less thing to worry about once I am back)

Hold on for a second whilst I l take a moment to dust off the dust from this blog.

Damn, is that been that long since we last met?

Read More »Overseas Assignments 101: When 1 is On A Critical Mission Overseas