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Event 2018: Some Good Things & Some Tragedies So Far


(Miracle do happen! Karma does exist! For the first time in history, in the opposition will form the Federal and take extra states compared to the last elections. It’s is time to clean up the nation and enforce the rule of law. Photo source: NSTP)

I can’t believe that I last blogged back in September 2017 – time does flies fast when one is not looking

Well, it is not that I had lost interest in blogging (I still do drafts now and then but don’t have the time to complete them) but I found that given the very little time that I have apart from work & family, typing on issues and events over the social media & instant messages (Facebook, Twitter and the countless Whatsapp Groups) is more convenient (just hit the “Share” button and your message gets through) compared to blogging which takes time as I tend to do more research and review the drafts over and over again.

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Economy 101: Wastage of Taxpayers Money, The Denials

taxpayers matrix no spoon

(Still, remember the “no spoon” scene in The Matrix? Do you understand the meaning of the scene? I had always thought of it as something not real and yet you see it with your own eyes. Same goes for of . Image source: Matrix Fans)

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