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Technology 101: Star Trek Part 3 – Exploring the Impressive Technology in Starships

Star Trek Beam Spaceship Space TV Technology

The concept of beam technology, as depicted in Star Trek’s Transporter, remains a work of science fiction. In the series, the transporter converts a person or object into an energy pattern, and then beams it to a target location where it is reconverted into matter. Image source: Unsplash/Wonderlane

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TV Shows 101: A Quick Guide to Star Trek – Part 2

“She [the Borg Queen] brought me closer to humanity than I ever thought possible. And for a time, I was tempted by her offer. (Picard: For how long?) Zero-point six-eight seconds, sir… For an android, that is nearly an eternity” (Data, Star Trek: First Contact)

Read Part 1 of the Star Trek series here

star trek TV

(One is a Klingon warrior and the only of his kind in the Starfleet but often looked down by his own people whilst another is a cool, master tactician Vulcan who prefers logic over violence) 

Read More »TV Shows 101: A Quick Guide to Star Trek – Part 2