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Military 101: New Dedicated Maritime Patrol Craft, ATR-72MP Leonardo

RMAF TUDM CN-235 Transport Military Maritime Patrol

Any country that has a vast shoreline to patrol like should have a large fleet of dedicated medium and long-range that is capable of performing hours of patrolling and can perform secondary missions like search & rescue and anti- warfare. Presently this role is being taken with some modifications by the Indonesia-made transport plane. Image source: Wikipedia.

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Governance 101: Please Enforce Timah Intelligence Benchmark for Local Politicians

Stephen Hawking Scientist Intelligence Space

The great English physicist, Stephen Hawking who also wrote the groundbreaking A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes was quoted to say that is the ability to adapt to change. Unfortunately, when it comes to , this is one skill that most of them have but do not use it. Image source: Vanity Fair

Read More »Governance 101: Please Enforce Timah Intelligence Benchmark for Local Politicians