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History 101: The Famous Babylon, Most Hated City In The Bible?

Robert Cargill Babylon Ancient Civilsation

I would highly recommend my current read, The Cities That Built The Bible by Robert R. Cargill who is an Assistant Professor of Classics and Religious Studies at the University of Iowa irrespective of whether you are a or not as it looks at the various cities such as that were mentioned in the Bible from an archaeological standpoint of view and how ancient rituals, wars and even Gods have somehow formed the contents and narration of the Bible. Image source: Perlego

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Human Relationship 101: The Beautiful Malak Who Stole Our Cold Hearts

malak iraq ISIS war zone refugee children

This story of a young girl named whose father and mother had died tragically is indeed has been an eye-opener on the plight of innocent refugee children in the many zones around the . The situation around the world is now even more precarious with the COVID19 pandemic which also saw the reduction of travel and aid. Image source: Preemptive Love

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Movie Review: The Hurt Locker 2010


(One great movie in recent times – Poster source: Wikipedia)

The Time Magazine calls this movie “A Near-Perfect Film”

The fact of the matter is that the truth is not far from this. is indeed a near perfect war film. It could have been the perfect movie if not for some holes in the plot and loose execution of certain scenes. So, let’s talk about the plot holes first.

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