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Malaysia 101: Key Factors On Zahid Hamidi’s DNAA Decision

Zahid Hamidi Parliament DNAA Legal

One fact that cannot be dismissed from the way the opposition political parties have been behaving after the decision by the Attorney General on Zahid Hamidi’s corruption case is that they are not ready or capable to be effective mechanisms to do a proper check & balance on the current Unity Government. Screenshot: Youtube/Astro

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National Security 101: Extradition Of Criminals Internationally

Extradition Hong Kong China Malaysia Law Indira Gandhi Muhammad Riduan Abdullah

There was a major protest on the extradition laws that Hong Kong legislation intends to pass which will make it possible to send suspects to mainland China for trial. It was eventually withdrawn after months-long of protests from the citizens. Image source: Australian Institute of International Affairs.

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Outbreak 2020: Stupidity When the Law Is Seriously Clear

covid19 stupidity minister politicians law

(The law is equal to all – in other words, there is no one above the law so the application of the law to anyone would need to be the same. But in reality, there seems to be some inequality when it comes to enforcing the law. Image source: Facebook) 

The problem with some politicians in the country is that once they have broken a law, instead of accepting that they have knowingly or unknowingly broken the law and apologising and taking the punishment under the law, they lie and try to cover it up with dumb excuses. This despite the SOP provided by the Ministry of Health is crystal clear on the matter.

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